After the Minister of Education had finished speaking at the press conference, he was made ______ all sorts of awkward questions.
to answer
【单选题】 After dinner the minister made a short ___ to the guests.
①  delivery
②  pronunciation
③  conversation
④  speech
【单选题】 The shy girl felt ____ and uncomfortable when she could not answer her teacher’s questions.
①  awkward
②  amazed
③  curious
④  amused
【单选题】 The shy girl felt ____ and uncomfortable when she could not answer her teacher’s questions.
①  amazed
②  awkward
③  curious
④  amused
【单选题】 I eagerly answered all the questions, never ____ much about making mistakes.
①  worry
②  worried
③  worries
④  worrying
【单选题】 His answer was so confused that I could hardly make any ____ of it at all.
①  explanation
②  meaning
③  sense
④  interpretation
【单选题】 What role does a teacher play in the following activity? The teacher gives students 2 minutes to skim a text, and when time is up, he asks students to stop and answer some questions.
①  Controller
②  Assessor
③  Organizer
④  Prompter
【单选题】 It was not until she had finished all her work_____.
①  did she return
②  that she returned
③  when she returned
④  that did she return
【多选题】 She _____________ answering my questions.
①  took off
②  kept away from
③  fought for
④  avoided
【单选题】 20. Only when he had handed in his exam paper ____ he had made several mistakes.
①  he has realized
②  does he realize
③  has he realized
④  did he realize
【判断题】 I knows the answer.
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 商业银行理财业务有哪些情形之一的,应及时向中国银监会或者其派出机构报告?()
①  发生群体性事件、重大投诉等重大事件
②  挪用客户资金或资产
③  投资交易对手或其他信用关联方发生重大违约事件,可能造成理财产品重大亏损
④  理财产品出现高盈利
⑤  理财产品出现重大亏损
【多选题】 商业银行开展个人理财业务实行
①  审批制
②  备案制
③  报告制
④  审核制
⑤  咨询制
【多选题】 商业银行不得销售哪些理财产品()
①  不得独立测算的理财产品
②  收益率为零的理财产品
③  收益率为负值的理财产品
④  非保本浮动收益理财产品
⑤  未经银监会批准的理财计划或产品
【判断题】 私人银行客户是指金融净资产达到500万元人民币及以上的商业银行客户。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 开展保险代理业务,如何建立一套完善的规章制度和监督措施?()
①  建立健全保险代理业务的各项规章制度
②  严格保费和代理手续费管理
③  强化制度落实
④  代理保险业务知识培训制度
⑤  绩效奖惩制度
【单选题】 商业银行销售理财产品时,客户风险承受能力评级,由()填写。
①  商业银行管理层
②  销售人员
③  客户
④  其他人员
【单选题】 下列选项中,()不属于商业银行销售理财应当遵循的原则内容。
①  诚实守信
②  勤勉尽职
③  公平竞争
④  如实告知
【判断题】 商业银行理财产品销售是指商业银行将本行开发设计的理财产品向个人客户和机构客户(以下统称客户)宣传推介、销售、办理申购、赎回等行为。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 保险公司银保专管员,应当取得中国保监会颁发的《保险销售从业人员资格证书》,每年应接受不少于48小时的培训。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 保证收益理财计划,是指商业银行按照约定条件向客户承诺支付浮动收益,银行承担由此产生的投资风险,或银行按照约定条件向客户承诺支付最低收益并承担相关风险,其他投资收益由银行和客户按照合同约定分配,并共同承担相关投资风险的理财计划。
①  正确
②  错误