She was protesting against ______ government telling students what they should and should not eat at school.
【单选题】 As a teacher of elementary school, you should be patient ____ those pupils.
①  of
②  with
③  for
④  at
【单选题】 6. What really ______ is that the teacher should be responsible for his students.
①  happens
②  cares
③  minds
④  matters
【单选题】 We should not eat or eat less______ food.
①  junk
②  garbage
③  trash
④  rubbish
【多选题】 She____________________ that we should develop the skills.
①  suggest
②  suggested
③  propose
④  proposed
【单选题】 As a teacher, you should not _______ the students from asking questions in class.
①  ruin
②  restrain
③  import
④  impose
【单选题】 Peter’s mother kept telling him that he should give up smoking, but _____ didn’t help.
①  he
②  which
③  she
④  it
【单选题】 What I meant was that we should go[填空] with the work.
①  on
②  in
③  down
④  out
【判断题】 A: What should we do this evening? B: You say.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Much importance should be ( ) to physical and mental health of students, which, however, is often neglected.
①  attached
②  detached
③  stressed
④  thrown
【单选题】 20._____your poor record at school, we think you should study more.
①  In view of
②  For view of
③  From view of
④  Within view of
【单选题】 当某种商品的价格弹性处于单元弹性时,降低商品的价格()
①  销售收入增加
②  销售收入减少
③  销售收入不变
④  以上答案都不正确
【单选题】 销售收入等于机会成本,此时的利润称为()。
①  会计利润
②  正常利润
③  经济利润
④  以上都不正确
【单选题】 当交叉价格弹性时,交叉弹性越大,说明两家企业产品之间()
①  竞争越激烈
②  互补
③  无关系
④  以上都不正确
【单选题】 边际成本递增规律是:在一定的生产技术条件下,随着产量增加,边际成本开始时,逐渐下降,当边际成本下降到一定程度时,再增加产量边际成本会()。
①  大幅减少
②  不变
③  大幅增加
④  以上答案都不正确
【单选题】 随着季节的变化供给曲线而发生变化,当需求曲线不变,西红柿的供给曲线会随着西红柿的大量上市会()
①  向左上位移
②  在原供给曲线上做上下移动
③  向右下位移
④  以上都不正确
【单选题】 需求收入弹性可用于产品发展策略的选择。当经济繁荣时社会收入增加,此时企业应增加()的产品进行生产。
①  EI大的
②  EI小的
③  EI为0的
④  以上答案都不正确
【单选题】 致使需求曲线不会发生位移的因素是()
①  消费者收入增加
②  消费者收入减少
③  消费者的偏好变化
④  该商品的价格变化
【单选题】 当生产黄金的成本下降,会使()
①  需求曲线发生位移
②  供给曲线发生位移
③  供给曲线不变
④  以上都不正确
【单选题】 完全竞争市场的需求曲线的斜率k是()。
①  =0
②  =∞
③  =1
④  以上答案都不正确
【单选题】 需求规律是当某种商品的价格上涨时,其需求量将()
①  减少
②  减少
③  0
④  以上答案都不正确