Its high time ( ) bed!
to go to
go to
went to
【单选题】 A: Well, its time for us to go. B: [填空].
①  Nice to meet you
②  Have a nice day
③  I wish you a pleasant journey
④  I hope you will soon feel better
【单选题】 I ___ go to bed until I ___ finished my work last night.
①  don’t; had
②  didn’t; have
③  didn’t; had
④  don’t; have
【单选题】 I________go to bed until I________finished my work last night.
①  dont;had
②  didnt;have
③  didnt;had
④  dont;have
【判断题】 A: Shall we go out for a picnic tomorrow then? B: Its all up to you
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 When I was a child, I_______go back home on time.
①  have to
②  must
③  had to
【单选题】 8. I______ go to bed until I ______ finished my work last night.
①  Don’t; had
②  didn’t have
③  didn’t; had
④  don’t; have
【单选题】 Lucy,who did not even go to grade school, had no ________of a job at the time.
①  interview
②  pressure
③  prospect
④  application
【单选题】 Jean did not have time to go to the concert last night because she was busy __________ for her examination.
①  to prepare
②  to be prepared
③  preparing
④  being prepared
【单选题】 Do you have any ice? I am used to have a nightcap before I go to bed.What is the meaning of the word “nightcap”?
①  沐浴
②  夜读
③  夜宵
④  睡前饮料
【单选题】 Every time when I go back to my hometown, I usually spend two days ____ of my relatives.
①  going the rounds of
②  rounding up
③  making the rounds of
④  rounding on
【判断题】 表扬的要求有:实事求是、把握时机、点到为止。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 发音时,气流在口腔不受阻碍、声带振动,声音响亮的音叫( )
①  重音
②  轻音
③  元音
④  辅音
【单选题】 导入语的基本要求有:( )
①  切题、求精、求巧、设疑
②  B.切题、生动、求巧、设疑
③  切题、求精、求巧、生动
④  生动、求精、求巧、设疑
【单选题】 教师口语艺术的主要特征不包括:( )
①  科学性与艺术性的统一
②  教育性与审美性的统一
③  声、情义的艺术性统一
④  准确性与规范性的统一
【判断题】 人声共鸣的意义在于扩大声音。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 “读而不板、说而不演”是朗读社会性的具体体现。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 态势语言是人们交流思想感情不需要的工具。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 教师语言的速度快慢是否科学合理,对教学效果的好坏有直接的影响。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 朗读的作用不包括:( )
①  有利于深入体会文字作品
②  有利于扩展人的思维
③  有利于语言的规范化
④  有利于提高言语表现力
【判断题】 “四呼”是汉语语音传统的分类方法,包括开口呼、合口呼、齐齿呼和撮口呼。
①  正确
②  错误