The scientific quest is grounded in reason and ____ inference from known facts.
【多选题】 We_____________ from the facts.
①  drew a conclusion
②  reached a conclusion
③  came to a conclusion
④  started a conclusion
【单选题】 They drew different ______________ from the facts.
①  attentions
②  examinations
③  decisions
④  conclusions
【单选题】 The reason __he was absent from the meeting was _his car broke down on the way.
①  that; because
②  why; that
③  that; that
④  for; that
【判断题】 In addition to a large collection of scientific works in Chinese, our library contains many scientific books in foreign languages.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 IF(logical_test.value_if_true.value_if_false)中.value_if_true的含义是( )
①  logical_test为true时返回的值
②  logical_test为false时返回的值
③  表示计算结果为true或false的任意值或表达式
④  没有特殊含义.可以删除
【单选题】 The reason why the car was stopped was ____.
①  that the road was slippery
②  due to the slippery road
③  because the road was slippery
④  because of the slippery road
【单选题】 _________ is no reason for dismissing him.
①  Because he was a few minutes late
②  Owing to a few minutes being late
③  The fact that he was a few minutes late
④  Being a few minutes late
【多选题】 Why do you forget something? What is the reason? You did not learn it_________ . This is the major reason for forgetting.
①  in the beginning
②  at the beginning
③  at first
④  at last
【单选题】 The better the elderly people are known, they are.
①  the happier
②  the happy
③  so happy
④  very happy
【单选题】 The problem is () it may take time for new facts to become available.
①  that
②  how
③  what
④  if
【简答题】 近代中国的两大历史任务是争取[填空]和实现国家富强、人民富裕。
【简答题】 简述《阿Q正传》对国民劣根性的批判。
【简答题】 简述老舍小说《骆驼祥子》的“京味”特色的具体表现。
【简答题】 19世纪末,韩邦庆的[填空]拉开了中国近代通俗文学的序幕。
【简答题】 丁玲1946年的[填空]是最早出现的写土改运动的长篇小说。
【简答题】 艾青的成名作是[填空]。
【简答题】 萧红的小说[填空]展示了“九一八”事变前后东北农村生活图景。
【简答题】 文学研究会的主要阵地是[填空]主编的《小说月报》。
【简答题】 1928年出版的散文集[填空]是鲁迅对青少年时代生活的回忆。
【简答题】 [填空]是30年代海派文学中重要的文学流派,代表人物有施蛰存等人。