the old couple decided to ____ a boy and a girl though they had three of their own.
【判断题】 A: Do you have any children? B: Yes, a boy and a girl.
①  正确
②  错误
【简答题】 1.给下列词加上适当后缀构成名词。admit[填空(1)]accept[填空(2)]adopt[填空(3)]adapt[填空(4)]
【单选题】 The old couple, whose kids have all passed away, have to ( ) only with their small pensions.
①  get at
②  get to
③  get by
④  get through
【单选题】 He was[填空] three-year-old baby at that time.
①  a
②  an
③  the
④  /
【单选题】 Was it until the1990s ____ the old man finally got a house of his own?
①  when
②  that
③  which
④  how
【多选题】 Many young adults, who have had no_________ to receive further education before, are eager to develop their abilities.
①  skill
②  degree
③  chance
④  opportunity
【单选题】 When my own son was five years old, I became ( )for another baby.
①  eager
②  desire
③  yearn
④  wish
【单选题】 20. _____ the sight of the poor and the sick, the government had no way out but to decided to reform..
①  Seeing
②  Confronted with
③  Confronting
④  Looking at
【单选题】 The snowstorm _____________ us three hours because we had to drive very slowly.
①  decided
②  deepened
③  delayed
④  detailed
【单选题】 He looked at the little girl, _________ where he had seen her before.
①  wondering
②  wondered
【单选题】 下列属于对称密钥加密算法的是
①  RSA
②  DES
③  DSA
④  RST
【单选题】 公开密钥密码体制中私钥与公钥之间有着一种
①  对称关系
②  非对称关系
③  特殊的数学关系
④  相关性
【单选题】 下列属于公开密钥密码体制的算法的是
①  RSA
②  DES
③  DSA
④  RST
【单选题】 下列技术能实现对电子文件发表时间的安全保护的是
①  RSA
②  DES
③  DSA
④  DTS
【单选题】 下列与数字证书无关的是
①  数字凭证
②  数字标识
③  数字符号
④  X.509
【单选题】 SSL协议对于电子商务应用的劣势主要是无法保证
①  信息的真实性
②  信息的完整性
③  信息的不可否认性
④  信息的保密性
【单选题】 在SET协议定义的三个交易阶段中,与每个阶段都有关联的只有
①  用户
②  银行
③  商家
④  中间平台
【多选题】 从技术上看,网上交易的信息传输问题主要来自于
①  冒名偷窃
②  篡改数据
③  信息传递过程中的破坏和信息丢失
④  虚假信息
【多选题】 电子商务系统的安全包括
①  电子商务系统的硬件安全
②  软件安全
③  运行安全
④  电子商务安全立法
【多选题】 电子商务系统硬件安全是指
①  计算机系统硬件的安全
②  计算机系统硬件自身的可靠性
③  系统提供的基本安全机制
④  我也不说不安全