Those gifts o rare books that were given t us were deeply _____.
【单选题】 39. A survey was carried out on the death rate of those who were infected by SARS, ________were surprising.
①  asresults
②  whichresults
③  theresultsofit
④  theresultsofwhich
【单选题】 They couldn’t ______ to fly out to see us, and we couldnt either. We were all poor then.
①  offer
②  afford
③  provide
④  supply
【单选题】 The noise was so ____ that only those with excellent hearing were aware of it.
①  dim
②  soft
③  faint
④  gentle
【单选题】 12. Last year_________ of new books were published on environmental protection.
①  thehundred
②  hundreds
③  ahundred
④  onehundred
【单选题】 By nine o’clock I ____ that my guests were not coming.?
①  recognized ?
②  realized ?
③  understood ?
④  noticed?
【单选题】 You never told us why you were one hour late for the last meeting, ____?
①  weren’t you
②  didn’t you
③  have you
④  did you
【单选题】 The residents, _____had been damaged by the fire, were given help by the Red Cross.
①  all of their homes
②  all their homes
③  whose all homes
④  all of whose homes
【单选题】 The residents, _____had been damaged by the fire, were given help by the Red Cross.
①  all of their homes
②  all their homes
③  whose all homes
④  all of whose homes
【单选题】 Those who have applied for the post()in the office.
①  are being interviewed
②  are interviewing
③  interviewing
④  to be interviewing
【单选题】 He said that those books ?[填空] his.
①  was
②  is
③  were
④  are
【判断题】 静脉补钾的浓度一般不超过0.3%。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 清洁伤口是指无菌手术的伤口。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 烧伤休克期造成休克的主要原因是大量液体渗出。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 关于代谢性酸中毒下列哪项正确
①  低钾血症引起
②  大量利尿引起
③  体内碳酸增高引起
④  体内碳酸氢根的减少引起
【单选题】 手术护士与巡回护士应共同完成的工作为
①  术中观察病情
②  传递器械
③  安置手术体位
④  清点敷料器械
【单选题】 患者,男,52岁,确诊为肝性脑病,现给予乳果糖口服,目的是为了
①  导泻
②  酸化肠道
③  消除诱因
④  补充能量
【单选题】 挤压综合征病人易发生
①  代谢性酸中毒
②  呼吸性酸中毒
③  代谢性碱中毒
④  高钾血症
【单选题】 关于静脉补钾错误的是
①  尿量少于30ml/h
②  浓度少于0.3%
③  严禁静脉推注
④  滴速在60滴/分以下
【单选题】 G-细菌细胞壁中的特有成分是
①  肽聚糖
②  磷壁酸
③  脂蛋白
④  脂多糖
【单选题】 脾脏和淋巴结生发中心主要由哪类细胞聚积形成?
①  T淋巴细胞
②  B淋巴细胞
③  粒细胞
④  巨噬细胞