Everybody likes her because she is always _______ .
Everybody likes her because she is always _______ .
【单选题】 She always put her medication on the top of the shelf lest the children ____ it by mistake.
①  took
②  should take
③  had taken
④  would take
【单选题】 Kingsley took a lot of ______________ with her while traveling because she was doing scientific research on fish.
①  furniture
②  equipment
③  information
④  education
【单选题】 Jean did not have time to go to the concert last night because she was busy __________ for her examination.
①  to prepare
②  to be prepared
③  preparing
④  being prepared
【单选题】 She likes [填空] responsibility.
①  taking
②  take
③  took
④  taken
【单选题】 She likes to spend time_______in the classroom.
①  draw
②  to draw
③  drawing
【单选题】 It is _____ with the customer not to let the shop assistants guess what she really likes and wants until the last moment.
①  in her honor
②  on her honor
③  a point of honor
④  an honor
【单选题】 It is ____ with the customer not to let the shop assistants guess what she really likes and wants until the last moment.
①  in her honor
②  on her honor
③  a point of honor
④  an honor
【单选题】 She got married although her parents had not given her their ___.
①  allowance
②  consent
③  permit
④  appreciation
【单选题】 When she was criticized, she claimed that it was outside her _____of responsibility.
①  field
②  limit
③  extent
④  range
【单选题】 _______ she tried her best, she didn’t succeed.
①  Though
②  When
③  If
④  After
【单选题】 下列关于砂率说法有误的一项是( )。
①  水灰比较小,应采用较小的砂率
②  流动性要求较大,应采用较大砂率
③  砂的细度模数较小,则应采用较小的砂率
④  合理砂率即在流动性不变的前提下,所需水泥浆总体积为最大的砂率
【单选题】 在相同用水量情况下,水泥越细,其( )。
①  混凝土拌合物流动性大,但粘聚性及保水性较好
②  混凝土拌合物流动性大,但粘聚性及保水性较差
③  混凝土拌合物流动性小,但粘聚性及保水性较差
④  混凝土拌合物流动性小,但粘聚性及保水性较好
【单选题】 为调整通用硅酸盐水泥的凝结时间,在生产的最后阶段还要加入( )。
①  页岩
②  石膏
③  生石灰
④  花岗岩
【单选题】 在用水量和水灰比固定不变的情况下,最大粒径加大,骨料表面包裹的水泥浆层加厚,混凝土拌合物的流动性将( )。
①  提高
②  降低
③  保持不变
④  不能确定
【单选题】 下列关于含泥量、泥块含量和石粉含量说法有误的一项是( )。
①  含泥量是指砂中粒径小于75um的岩屑、淤泥和黏土颗粒的含量
②  含泥量或泥块含量超量时,不得采用水洗的方法处理
③  合适的石粉含量可以提高混凝土的密实性
④  泥块含量必须严格控制
【单选题】 混凝土的应用要求主要涉及的内容包括( )。
①  强度、工作性、耐久性和经济性
②  强度、美观性、耐久性和经济性
③  强度、工作性、耐久性和美观性
④  强度、工作性、美观性和经济性
【单选题】 大量试验证明,当水胶比在一定范围(0.40~0.80)内而其他条件不变时,混凝土拌合物的流动性只与单位用水量有关,这一现象称为( )。
①  水胶比法则
②  流动性法则
③  定量法则
④  恒定用水量法则
【单选题】 钢材抵抗冲击荷载而不被破坏的能力称为( )。
①  硬度
②  抗拉强度
③  冲击韧性
④  耐疲劳性
【单选题】 下列关于钢材中含碳量说法有错误的一项是( )。
①  含碳量过高还会增加钢的冷脆性和时效敏感性,降低抗腐蚀性和可焊性
②  钢材随含碳量的越高,强度和硬度越高
③  一定范围内,钢材随含碳量的增加,塑性和韧性相应降低
④  当含量超过1%时,钢材的极限强度开始下降
【单选题】 冷加工是指( )。
①  钢材在常温下进行的加工
②  钢材在低温下进行的加工
③  钢材在高温下进行的加工
④  钢材在零度以下进行的加工