Direction: Fill in the blanks with the wordsor phrasesgiven below. Change the form if necessary.[tender; suffer; in anxiety; crave; choke; plague; with a sigh; dull; nonsense; threshold]10. Mrs.Archer shook her head[填空1].
【填空题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the wordsor phrasesgiven below. Change the form if necessary.[tender; suffer; in anxiety; crave; choke; plague; with a sigh; dull; nonsense; threshold]6. He was carried away by the[填空1].
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the wordsor phrasesgiven below. Change the form if necessary.[tender; suffer; in anxiety; crave; choke; plague; with a sigh; dull; nonsense; threshold]4. You will[填空1]one day for your carelessness.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the wordsor phrasesgiven below. Change the form if necessary.[tender; suffer; in anxiety; crave; choke; plague; with a sigh; dull; nonsense; threshold]5. Meat or other food that is[填空1]is easy to cut or chew.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the wordsor phrasesgiven below. Change the form if necessary.[tender; suffer; in anxiety; crave; choke; plague; with a sigh; dull; nonsense; threshold]2. Fish and seabirds mistake plastic for food and[填空1]to death.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the wordsor phrasesgiven below. Change the form if necessary.[tender; suffer; in anxiety; crave; choke; plague; with a sigh; dull; nonsense; threshold]3. Weve seen huge increases[填空1]and depression in young people.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the wordsor phrasesgiven below. Change the form if necessary.[toddler; lottery; claim; retract; turn down; somehow; in reality; gamble; publicity; inculcate]10. They failed to[填空1]the student with love of knowledge.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the wordsor phrasesgiven below. Change the form if necessary.[toddler; lottery; claim; retract; turn down; somehow; in reality; gamble; publicity; inculcate]7.[填空1]Karin managed to cope with the demands of her career.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the wordsor phrasesgiven below. Change the form if necessary.[toddler; lottery; claim; retract; turn down; somehow; in reality; gamble; publicity; inculcate]8. Are you going to[填空1]on the result of the fight?
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the wordsor phrasesgiven below. Change the form if necessary.[toddler; lottery; claim; retract; turn down; somehow; in reality; gamble; publicity; inculcate]5. A man[填空1]to be a journalist threatened to reveal details about her private life.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the wordsor phrasesgiven below. Change the form if necessary.[toddler; lottery; claim; retract; turn down; somehow; in reality; gamble; publicity; inculcate]1. I had a[填空1]at home and two other children at school.
【单选题】 在产品生命周期的引入阶段,产品的促销目标主要是宣传介绍产品,刺激购买欲望的产生,因而主要应采取( )促销方式。
①  广告
②  人员推销
③  价格折扣
④  营业推广
【单选题】 在新产品开发过程的第一个阶段,营销部门的主要责任是( )。
①  进行环境分析
②  评核与筛选
③  搜集构想
④  进行营业分析
【单选题】 营销环境分析的主要目的是( )。
①  制定营销战略和策略
②  寻找市场机会、避免环境威胁
③  便于营销管理
④  适应外部环境变化
【单选题】 对处于不同气候条件下的消费者需求进行细分,属于( )。
①  人口细分
②  心理细分
③  地理细分
④  行为细分
【单选题】 市场细分在本质上是按照( )进行的。
①  购买力差别
②  需求差别
③  个性差别
④  偏好差别
【单选题】 ( )是产品的最基本的层次,是企业营销活动的基础,最能反映一个企业的营销能力。
①  核心产品
②  实际产品
③  延伸产品
④  附加产品
【单选题】 按消费者的 ( ),可将产品划分为便利品、选购品和特殊品。
①  购买频率
②  购买习惯
③  购买行为
④  个性心理
【单选题】 以高价格与低促销方式组合推出新产品的策略是( )。
①  快速撇脂策略
②  缓慢撇脂策略
③  快速渗透策略
④  缓慢渗透策略
【单选题】 许多冰箱生产厂家近年来高举“环保”、“健康”旗帜,纷纷推出无氟冰箱。它们所奉行的市场营销管理哲学是( )。
①  推销观念
②  生产观念
③  市场营销观念
④  社会营销观念
【单选题】 资源有限的企业应该采用( )。
①  差异营销战略
②  集中营销战略
③  无差异营销战略
④  大规模营销战略