【判断题】 钢筋混凝土梁斜截面破坏的三种形式是斜压破坏,剪压破坏,斜拉破坏
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 剪压破坏和斜拉破坏三种。这三种破坏的性质是()。
①  都属于脆性破坏
②  都属于延性破坏
③  斜压破坏属于脆性破坏,其他属于延性破坏
④  斜拉破坏和剪压破坏属于脆性破坏,斜压破坏属于延性破坏
【判断题】 与适筋梁的正截面破坏相比,剪压破坏不属于脆性破坏。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 梁斜截面破坏有多种形态,且均属脆性破坏,相比之下脆性较大破坏形态是:
①  压弯破坏
②  剪压破坏
③  斜拉破坏
④  剪弯破坏
【单选题】 斜截面破坏有三种形态,其中属于脆性破坏形态的有( )。
①  剪压破坏
②  斜压、剪压和斜拉破坏
③  斜拉破坏
④  斜压破坏和斜拉破坏
【单选题】 条件相同的无腹筋梁,发生斜截面破坏时,梁的斜截面受剪承载力 ( )。
①  斜压破坏>剪压破坏>斜拉破坏
②  剪压破坏>斜压破坏>斜拉破坏
③  斜拉破坏>斜压破坏>剪压破坏
④  斜压破坏>斜拉破坏>剪压破坏
【单选题】 受弯构件斜截面破坏的三种形态中,属于脆性破坏的是( )。
①  斜压破坏和斜拉破坏
②  斜压破坏、剪压破坏和斜拉破坏
③  斜压破坏
④  斜拉破坏
【判断题】 钢筋混凝土梁沿斜截面的破坏形态均属于延性破坏
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 无腹筋梁的三种斜截面破坏形态的性质为()
①  都属于脆性破坏
②  斜压和斜拉属于脆性,剪压属于延性
③  斜拉属于脆性,斜压、剪压属于延性
④  斜压属于脆性,斜拉、剪压属于延性
【单选题】 梁斜截面破坏有多种形态,均属脆性破坏,相比较之下脆性最严重的是:( )。
①  斜压破坏
②  剪压破坏
③  斜拉破坏
④  斜弯破坏。
【单选题】 It is an ____ change that has taken place.
①  amazing
②  attempting
③  awaking
④  amusing
【单选题】 19. Water will continue to be ____ it is today —next in importance to oxygen.
①  how
②  Which
③  as
④  what
【单选题】 I’ll pick you up as promised, ____it rainy or fine.
①  will
②  be
③  should
④  no matter
【单选题】 29. As they cant afford to let the situation get worse, they will take some necessary ____.
①  decisions
②  sides
③  directions
④  steps
【单选题】 -I’m sorry I broke your mirror.-Oh, really? ____.
①  It’s OK with me
②  It doesnt matter
③  Don’t be sorry
④  I don’t care
【单选题】 The room was so quiet that she could hear the____ of her heart.
①  hitting
②  beating
③  hurting
④  striking
【单选题】 ____ the water sports — sailing, rowing, diving and swimming, I like rowing best. ?
①  At all ?
②  Above all ?
③  Of all ?
④  After all?
【单选题】 In ____ recent years, Niagara Fallshave come to be appreciated more for their natural beauty as _______ wonder of nature.
①  the; a
②  the; the
③  /; the
④  /; a
【单选题】 He is ____, but his wife is _____.?
①  awake…asleep ?
②  awake…sleep ?
③  waking…asleep ?
④  wake…asleep ?
【单选题】 By the end of last month, she ____ over five hundred letters of congratulation from different parts of the world.
①  would received
②  has received
③  had received
④  receive