【单选题】 直流电动机调速方法不包含(?? ?)。?
①  电枢回路串电阻
②  励磁回路串电阻
③  变频调速
④  调节电枢电压
【单选题】 直流电动机电枢导体中的电流是_______。
①  直流电
②  交流电
③  脉动电流
【单选题】 他励直流电动机在额定状态带恒转矩负载运行,若减小磁通值,电枢电流会?
①  变大
②  变小
③  不变
④  都不是
【单选题】 直流电动机中电枢感应电势和电枢电流方向?
①  相同
②  相反
③  两者都是
④  都不是
【单选题】 他励直流电动机拖动位能性恒转矩负载,采用降压调速的方法,当转速降低时,电枢电流不变,输入功率
①  增大
②  不变
③  减小
【单选题】 他励直流电动机运行在额定状态,如果负载为恒转矩性质,减小磁通,电枢电流如何变化?
①  变大
②  变小
③  不变
④  都不是
【单选题】 他励直流电动机保持额定电压及额定磁通不变,增大电枢回路电阻,负载转矩不变,与直接起动相比起动电流?
①  变大
②  变小
③  不变
④  都不是
【判断题】 他励直流电动机采用电枢回路串电阻调速可以实现无级调速。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 下列属于直流电动机调速的主要优点是()。
①  调速范围大,调速比可达200 (他励式)以上(调速比等于最大转速和最小转速之比)。
②  以上都是
③  速均匀平滑,可以无级调速
【判断题】 降低电源电压调速的他励直流电动机带额定恒转矩负载稳态运行时,不论转矩高低,电枢电流。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 —I knocked over my coffee cup. It went right over _____ keyboard.—You shouldn’t put drinks near _____ computer.
①  the; /
②  the; a
③  a; /
④  a; a
【单选题】 The letters for the boss __________ on his desk but he didnt read them until three days later.
①  were put
②  was put
③  put
④  has put
【单选题】 Someone called me up in the middle of the night, but they hung up _____ I could answer the phone.
①  as
②  since
③  until
④  before
【单选题】 Is the hotel _____ offered you a job _____ you stayed the first time you arrived here?
①  which; where
②  the one; in which
③  where; that
④  the one that; which
【单选题】 —Have you heard about that fire in the market?—Yes, fortunately no one __________.
①  hurt
②  was hurt
③  has hurt
④  had been hurt
【判断题】 It is not so cold as yesterday.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 It is raining this morning.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 When I get to the top of the building, the sun [填空].
①  shine
②  shines
③  is shining
④  was shining
【判断题】 Amy is more stronger than that girl.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 To answer correctly is more important than ____.
①  that you finish quickly
②  finishing quickly
③  to finish quickly
④  finish quickly