已知:P(A)=0.2, P(B)=0.5,P(AB)=0.1,则P(A∪B)=0.6.
【判断题】 若有P(AB)=P(A)P(B),则事件A与B独立。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 两事件A、B若满足P(AB)=P(A)P(B),则称A、B独立
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 若三个事件A,B,C满足P(AB)=P(A)P(B),P(AC)=P(A)P(C),P(BC)=P(B)P(C),则称A,B,C相互独立。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 设A、B、C为三事件,若满足:P(AB)=P(A)P(B),P(AC)=P(A)P(C),P(BC)=P(B)P(C),则三事件A、B、C 必然相互独立。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 对任意事件A和B,必有P(AB)=P(A)P(B)
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 对任意事件A和B,必有P(AB)=P(A)P(B).
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 任意两个事件A和B,P(AB)=P(A)P(B)
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 对任两事件A,B,有P(A-B)=P(A)-P(AB).
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 当P(A)大于0时,有P(AB)=P(A)P(B|A).
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 已知charb[5],*p=b;,则正确的赋值语句是()
①  b=“abcd”;
②  *b=“abcd”;
③  p=“abcd”;
④  *p=“abcd”;
【多选题】 The kinds of evidence include:
①  facts
②  statistics
③  examples
④  description
⑤  personal anecdote
【多选题】 There are three methods in comparison writing.
①  point-to-point
②  the block approach
③  same/different approach
【多选题】 The format of business letters include:
①  Heading
②  Inside Adress
③  Salutation
④  Body
⑤  Complimentary close
⑥  Signature
⑦  Enclosure
【多选题】 Helen of Troy is:
①  a beautiful girl or woman
②  a beauty who ruins her country
③  a terrible disaster brought by sb or thing you like best
【多选题】 When checking in at the airport,we should
①  seat select
②  baggage check
③  get boarding pass
【单选题】 I wish I listened to your advice.
①  have
②  having
③  had
【单选题】 It to work hard.
①  pay
②  pays
③  paying
④  paid
【单选题】 This adjustment bring about important changes.
①  can
②  may
③  must
【单选题】 ——what do you think about this film? ——( )very disappointing.
①  It is
②  They are
【单选题】 With so much I am not sure if Ill have time for the game.
①  do
②  doing
③  did
④  to do