【单选题】 袋中有2只白球,3只黑球,进行有放回摸球,每次只能摸一只,则第一摸出白球,同时第二次摸出黑球的概率为
①  4/25
②  6/25
③  2/25
④  8/25
【单选题】 盒子中有5个球(3白2黑),从中任取2个,则取出的球是一白一黑球的概率为
①  5/10
②  6/10
③  7/10
④  8/10
【单选题】 三个箱子,第一箱中有4个黑球1个白球,第二箱中有3个黑球3个白球,第三个箱中有3个黑球5个白球,现随机取一个箱子,再从这个箱中取出一个球,则取到白球的概率是( ).
①  53/120
②  9/19
③  67/120
④  10/19
【判断题】 <img class=jc-formula data-tex=设甲袋中有m只白球,n只红球,乙袋中有N只白球,M只红球,\\ 今从甲袋中任取一球放入乙袋,再从乙袋中任取一球。已知从\\ 乙袋中取得一只是白球,则取自甲袋的是只红球概率为\frac { N }{ m+n } 。 src=https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/BD3A97286C52B8938BBD2C4650229C65.png style=vertical-align: middle;/>
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 盒子中有5个球(3白2黑),从中任取2个,则取出的球都是白球的概率为
①  1/10
②  2/10
③  3/10
④  4/10
【判断题】 盒子中有5个球(3个白的,2个黑的),从中任取两球,两球都是白球的概率为3/5
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 <img class=jc-formula data-tex=设甲袋中有n只白球,m只红球,乙袋中有N只白球,M只红球,\\ 今从甲袋中任取一球放入乙袋,再从乙袋中任取一球。则从乙\\ 袋中取得一只白球的概率为\frac { m }{ m+n } .\\ src=https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/B900737D5C82AA153C0A593EB96A6479.png style=vertical-align: middle;/>
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 一袋中有两个黑球和若干个白球,现有放回地摸球4次,若至少摸到一个白球的概率为80/81,则袋中白球数是( ).
①  2
②  4
③  6
④  8
【判断题】 袋中有白球4个,黑球2个,连取两球,取出不放回,如果已知第一个是白球,则第二个球是白球的概率为3/4。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 袋中有白球4个,黑球2个,连取两球,取出不放回,如果已知第一个是白球,则第二个球是白球的概率为3/5。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 I think science is ______ than Japanese.
①  much important
②  important
③  much more important
④  more much important
【单选题】 What ___ if I drink this?
①  happens
②  is happening
③  will happen
④  is happened
【单选题】 She ___ the door before she goes away.
①  had locked
②  is locking
③  has locked
④  was locking
【单选题】 I haven’t finished my composition. I ___ for two hours and a half.
①  ?have written it
②  ?have been writing it
③  ?wrote it
④  am writing it
【单选题】 Look out! That tree ___ fall down.
①  is going to
②  will be
③  shall
④  would
【单选题】 My uncle ___ to see me. He’ll be here soon.
①  comes
②  is coming
③  had come
④  came
【单选题】 Helen believes if a man robs her of five dollars it is the same as if he _____ a hundred.
①  takes
②  will take
③  took
④  has taken
【单选题】 When I saw Mary, she ___ on the piano.
①  is playing
②  plays
③  was playing
④  played
【单选题】 Which sentence is right?
①  I dont think that he is not right.
②  I think he is not right.
③  I dont think that he is right.
④  I think he was not right.
【单选题】 __ of us likes the film. ?
①  Both?
②  All
③  Neither
④  Some