设有如下定义:int x=0,y=3,z; 则语句printf(%d\n,z=(x%y,x/y));的输出结果是
【简答题】 分析下面程序main(){ int x=2,y,z;x*=3+2;printf(%d\nx*=y=z=4;printf(%d\nx=y=1;z=x++-1;printf(%d,%d\n,x,z);z+=-x++ +(++y);printf(%d,%d,x,z); }程序的输出结果是[填空1]。
【单选题】 下面程序的输出结果是() main( ) {int x=40,y=4,z=4; x=y==z; printf(%d,x); x=x==(y-z); printf(%d,x); }
①  40
②  41
③  11
④  10
【单选题】 写出下面程序的执行结果。main(){ int x=1,y=1,z=0;if(z0)if(y0) x=3;else x=5;printf(%d\tif(z=y0) x=3;else if(y= =0 ) x=5;else x=7;printf(%d\tprintf(%d\t}
①  1 5 1
②  1 7 0
③  3 7 0
④  5 5 0
【单选题】 写出下面程序的执行结果。main(){ int x=1,y=1,z=0;if(z0)if(y0) x=3;else x=5;printf(%d\tif(z=y0) x=3;else if(y= =0 ) x=5;else x=7;printf(%d\tprintf(%d\t
①  1 7 0
②  3 7 0
③  5 5 0
④  1 5 1
【单选题】 写出下面程序的执行结果。main(){ int x=1,y=1,z=0;if(z0)if(y0) x=3;else x=5;printf(%d\tif(z=y0) x=3;else if(y= =0 ) x=5;else x=7;printf(%d\tprintf(%d\t}
①  1 5 1
②  3 7 0
③  5 5 0
④  1 7 0
【单选题】 写出下面程序的执行结果。main(){ int x=1,y=1,z=0;if(z0)if(y0) x=3;else x=5;printf(%d\tif(z=y0) x=3;else if(y= =0 ) x=5;else x=7;printf(%d\tprintf(%d\t}
①  1 7 0
②  3 7 0
③  5 5 0
④  1 5 1
【单选题】 以下程序输出结果是( )。 Main() {int x=2,y=-1,z=2; if(xy) if(y0) z=0; else z+=1; printf(%d\n }
①  3
②  2
③  1
④  0
【单选题】 执行下面程序后,运行结果是 #includevoid main( ) { int x=41,y=1; if (x%3==0 x%7==0) { y+=x;printf(y=%d\n} else {y=x;printf(y=%d} }
①  y=41
②  y=43
③  y=42
④  y=1
【单选题】 有如下程序int func(int a,int b){ return(a+b); }main( ){ int x=2,y=5,z=8,r;r=func(func(x,y),z);printf(%d\n }该程序的输出结果是(  )。
①  12
②  13
③  14
④  15
【单选题】 以下程序段的运行结果是( )。 for(y=1;y) y=((x=3*y,x+1),x-1); printf(x=%d,y=%d,x,y);
①  x=27,y=27
②  x=12,y=13
③  x=15,y=14
④  x=y=27
【单选题】 A: This is like the best film Ive ever seen. B: [填空]. Im trying to concentrate on my work.
①  Cut it short
②  Turn it over
③  Keep it down
④  Bring it up
【单选题】 A: Thanks a lot. I really enjoyed your company. B: Dont mention it. [填空].
①  Sorry to keep you out
②  Many happy returns of the day
③  Youre too polite
④  Me too
【单选题】 A: [填空]. Where was I? B: You were talking about your trip to South Africa.
①  What did I hear
②  Lets back up
③  Lets check in
④  What were you talking about
【单选题】 A: Please help yourself to the fish. B:[填空]
①  Thanks , but I dont like the fish.
②  Sorry, I cant help.
③  Well, what about you?
④  Oh, I cant.
【单选题】 A: May I use your computer this afternoon? B: Im sorry, but I have to finish typing this term paper today. A: [填空].
①  It doesnt matter
②  Thank you just the same
③  Do as you please
④  Never mind
【单选题】 A: Would you rather watch TV or go for a walk? B: The TV program is good today. [填空] A: Cool. Lets go.
①  What a pity!
②  I hate to leave.
③  But I need the exercise more.
④  You know what I mean.
【单选题】 A: Can I take a message? Ill let Mr. Liu know as soon as he comes back. B: [填空].
①  I hope he will call me back
②  No. Ill call somebody else
③  Dont bother. Ill try his cell
④  I dont think its appropriate
【单选题】 A: Whats there to do at night? B: There are clubs, concerts, players and so on. [填空]!
①  You make it
②  You name it
③  You manage it
④  Yes, I didnt hear you
【单选题】 A: Can I help you? B: [填空]. Where do I pay my fees?
①  Thank you
②  As you please
③  Yes, you can
④  Yes, please
【单选题】 A: Why did your boss shout at you? B: [填空]. He was just in a bad mood.
①  Nothing in particular
②  who knows
③  You said it
④  Im quite surprised