【判断题】 固定资产应当按月计提折旧,当月增加的固定资产,当月不计提折旧;当月减少的固定资产,当月计提折旧。(  )
【多选题】 下列固定资产中应计提折旧的有
①  房屋及建筑物
②  以经营方式租入的固定资产
③  专用的机器设备
④  接受投资转入的固定资产
⑤  未提足折旧提前报废的固定资产
【单选题】 下列固定资产中,不计提折旧的是?
①  闲置的房屋
②  融资租入的设备
③  临时出租的设备
④  已提足折旧仍继续使用的设备
【单选题】 下列固定资产中,不计提折旧的是()。
①  闲置的房屋
②  融资租入的设备
③  临时出租的设备
④  已提足折旧仍继续使用的设备
【判断题】 以融资租赁方式租入的固定资产,应由出租方计提该项固定资产折旧。(  )
【判断题】 政府固定资产应当按月计提折旧,当月增加的固定资产,当月开始计提折旧;当月减少的固定资产,当月不再计提折旧。(  )
【单选题】 下列固定资产中,应计提折旧的是()。
①  经营性租出固定资产
②  提前报废的固定资产
③  已提足折旧仍继续使用的固定资产
④  单独计价入账的土地
【多选题】 下列固定资产应计提折旧的有( )。
①  经营租赁方式租出的固定资产
②  房屋和建筑物
③  机器设备
④  融资租入固定资产
⑤  经营租赁方式租入固定资产
【判断题】 企业在计提固定资产折旧时,当月增加的固定资产当月不提折旧,当月减少的固定资产当月照提折旧。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 下列固定资产应计提折旧的有( )。
①  经营租入固定资产
②  未使用的房屋
③  土地
④  大修理停用固定资产
⑤  使用期满仍在使用的固定资产
【单选题】 As these machines are precision instruments which cannot stand rough handling, the wording” Handle with Care” should be also marked ____ each case.
①  on
②  in
③  with
④  into
【单选题】 Should your products prove _________ in quality and reasonable in price, I trust substantial order will follow .
①  satisfy
②  satisfactory
③  satisfied
④  satisfaction
【单选题】 Considering your first transaction with us, we would like to ask you to offer name and address of your bank so as to enable us to ______ references.
①  apply with
②  account for
③  apply for
④  account on
【单选题】 As we are one of the leading importers in this line, we are ____ to handle large quantities.
①  at a position
②  in a position
③  on a position
④  of a position
【单选题】 We shall be pleased to receive from you all necessary information _________ these goods.
①  regarding
②  in regard
③  as regard
④  with regard
【单选题】 If you will make us your lowest quotation for air-conditioner, we shall regard ____ as a personal favor.
①  it
②  you
③  your lowest quotation
④  air-conditioner
【单选题】 We ______ your name and address _____ Chinese Chamber of Commerce, through whom we learned that you are the main exporter of stainless steel products.
①  owe, from
②  owe, to
③  owe, with
④  owe, out of
【单选题】 To step up the trade, we______ our end-users, make counter-offers as below.
①  and
②  on behalf of
③  with
④  from
【单选题】 There is steady demand in Europe for Leather gloves ____ high quality.
①  at
②  to
③  of
④  for
【单选题】 If you are not certain who should be held responsible for the loss, you might file a claim ________ the insurance agent there.
①  to
②  against
③  in
④  for