【单选题】 企业各生产单位为管理生产而发生的工资应列入
①  直接人工费
②  管理费用
③  财务费用
④  制造费用
【判断题】 “制造费用”账户按生产单位别设置明细账,并在账内按照费用项目设立专栏或专户,分别反映各生产单位各项制造费用的发生情况。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 产品对象专业化原则建立的生产单位,主要优点不包括()
①  减少运输次数
②  缩短运输路线
③  生产系统的可靠性好
④  可使用专用高效设备和工艺设备
【多选题】 按产品对象专业化原则组建的生产单位,其最大优点是( )
①  运输路线短
②  简化管理
③  适应生产不同产品强
④  生产效率高
【多选题】 生产单位专业化原则可分为
①  工艺专业化
②  对象专业化
③  技术专业化
④  人员专业化
【简答题】 工艺专业化就是按照[填空1]来设置生产单位。
【单选题】 生产车间固定资产修理期间发生的停工损失应计入
①  产品成本
②  营业外支出
③  管理费用
④  废品损失
【单选题】 水泥生产单位应在水泥出厂7天内提供除( )天强度以外的各项试验结果。
①  21
②  28
③  30
④  31
【判断题】 习近平总书记指出,各生产单位要强化安全生产第一意识,落实安全生产主体责任,加强安全生产基础能力建设,坚决遏制重特大安全生产事故发生。
【单选题】 产品生产领用低值易耗品,应记入的账户是
①  “制造费用”
②  “基本生产成本”
③  “管理费用”
④  “辅助生产成本”
【单选题】 In some cases, your instructor may tell you the topics ____ or may give you a choice of topics to write about.
①  in advance
②  ahead of
③  above al
④  right away
【单选题】 Nancy was surprised that they have ____. They seemed to be a happy couple.
①  split up
②  broken down
③  fallen through
④  knocked out
【单选题】 — Whichsongdoyoulikebetter,Lucy?— IpreferthesongLittleApple ______ canattractmanypeople.
①  which
②  who
③  whom
④  where
【单选题】 Once ____, this power station will supply all the neighboring towns and villages with electricity.
①  it being completed
②  it completed
③  completed
④  it completes
【单选题】 The Brownings have not ____ yet and I doubt whether they will come.
①  turned in
②  turned out
③  turned up
④  turned to
【单选题】 The ____ in Janet’s character has hindered her from advancement in her career.
①  weakness
②  merit
③  defect
④  shortcoming
【单选题】 On New Year’s Eve, there will be a firework ____ at People’s Square.
①  display
②  performance
③  show
④  exhibition
【单选题】 The Apple Watch is very beautiful, but its too expensive. So I cant _____ it.
①  save
②  support
③  offer
④  afford
【单选题】 There isnt any difference between the two. I really dont know _________.
①  where to choose
②  which to choose
③  to choose what
④  to choose which
【单选题】 George was introduced to ____ activities at a young age, when he was hired to act as a lookout for drug dealers.
①  illegal
②  lawful
③  faithful
④  peaceful