1. What is the writers grandparents idea about honesty?
【简答题】 3. According to his grandparents, what does integrity involve?
【判断题】 What are you talking about?
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 What about [填空] shopping ?
①  go
②  goes
③  going
④  go to
【单选题】 A: What about going for a walk? B: [填空].
①  Thats all right
②  Walking is good to you
③  Why not? A good idea
④  Its up to you
【单选题】 What about_____ a film tonight?
①  to see
②  seeing
③  see
④  sees
【单选题】 What about [填空] out for a meal?
①  go
②  goes
③  going
④  go to
【单选题】 —What about learning a foreign language in the summer holiday?— .
①  It’s a good idea.
②  Yes, I agree with you.
③  No, I don’t think so.
④  yes,perfect.
【单选题】 I didn’t know what to do, but then an idea suddenly ________ to me.
①  appeared
②  happened
③  occurred
④  emerged
【单选题】 What about [填空] loudly for an hour everyday?
①  read
②  reading
③  readed
④  reads
【单选题】 Our teachers are very nice. What about __________ ?
①  yours
②  your
【单选题】 以下为一贯煎的药物组成的有( )
①  当归身
②  玄参
③  茵陈
④  熟地
【单选题】 营血虚滞证者,宜选用( )
①  当归补血
②  四物汤
③  胶艾汤
④  归脾汤
【单选题】 体现“少火生气”之义的方剂为( )
①  右归丸
②  肾气丸
③  地黄饮子
④  六味地黄丸
【单选题】 当归四逆汤中通草的作用是( )
①  利水渗湿
②  活血利水
③  通经脉,畅血行
④  清热利水
【单选题】 肾气丸中桂枝,附子的配伍意义主要是( )
①  温通经脉,以助血行
②  助阳散寒,以除痼冷
③  温补肾阳,散寒止痛
④  温补肾阳,以助气化
【单选题】 治疗心脾气血两虚证的常用方剂是( )
①  归脾汤
②  桃红四物
③  当归补血
④  四物汤
【单选题】 六味地黄丸的臣药是( )
①  山药、泽泻
②  山萸肉、丹皮
③  山药、山萸肉
④  泽泻、丹皮
【单选题】 四物汤中属于阴柔之品的为( )
①  熟地
②  白芍
③  川芎
④  熟地、白芍
【单选题】 属于六味地黄丸中“三补”的药物是( )
①  熟地、山药、泽泻
②  熟地、山茱萸、山药
③  山茱萸、山药、丹皮
④  茯苓、泽泻、丹皮
【单选题】 朱砂安神丸的功用是( )
①  重镇安神,清热养血
②  重镇安神,清肺泻火
③  重镇安神,清胃泻火
④  重镇安神,清肠泻火