【简答题】 行动胜于空谈。(汉译英)
【简答题】 树大招风。(汉译英)
【简答题】 怎样选择水温呢?(汉译英)
【简答题】 老师对你很好。(汉译英)
【简答题】 赶快!火车就要开了。(汉译英)
【简答题】 离开前记得锁门。(汉译英)
【简答题】 这块地毯是手工织成的。(汉译英)
【简答题】 抽烟是坏习惯之一。(汉译英)
【简答题】 闪光的未必都是金子。(汉译英)
【简答题】 英国的天气非常多变。(汉译英)
【单选题】 The policemen( ) many cases by following the footprints left at the scene of crime.
①  investigate
②  investigated
③  has investigated
④  have investigated
【单选题】 His final success ( ) his years of hard work.
①  depends on
②  focuses on
③  concentrates on
④  dwells on
【单选题】 This machine is extremely ( ) because it runs on half-price electricity.
①  economic
②  economical
③  economy
④  economist
【单选题】 More local ( )will be created, particularly in service industries.
①  employee
②  ?employ
③  ?employer
④  ?employment
【单选题】 Doctors should ( )prevention of diseases rather than cure.
①  dwell on
②  focus on
③  depend on
④  rely on
【单选题】 The ( )to her success is her confidence and persistence.
①  road
②  way
③  key
④  cause
【单选题】 He found it hard to ( ) his studies in such a noisy environment.
①  devote to
②  dwell on
③  concentrate on
④  depend on
【单选题】 The research findings indicate that human ( ) develops rapidly in childhood.
①  intellect
②  intelligence
③  thoughts
④  gifts
【单选题】 What shall I ( ) to qualify for the job?
①  possess
②  prevail
③  persist
④  pertain
【单选题】 She had made many ( ) into the quality of the computer before buying one.
①  inquiry
②  inquiries
③  search
④  research