【简答题】 行动胜于空谈。(汉译英)
【简答题】 树大招风。(汉译英)
【简答题】 怎样选择水温呢?(汉译英)
【简答题】 老师对你很好。(汉译英)
【简答题】 赶快!火车就要开了。(汉译英)
【简答题】 离开前记得锁门。(汉译英)
【简答题】 长城是中国的骄傲。(汉译英)
【简答题】 英国的天气非常多变。(汉译英)
【简答题】 我通常步行去上班。(汉译英)
【简答题】 他命令大家立即离开。(汉译英)
【多选题】 小组决策过程中存在的决策方式有( )
①  领导发号施令
②  达成共识
③  少数服从多数
④  委托专家
⑤  小组联合同盟
【单选题】 The audience were ( ) by the opening night of that play.
①  far away
②  blown away
③  right away
④  go away
【单选题】 When my own son was five years old, I became ( )for another baby.
①  eager
②  desire
③  yearn
④  wish
【单选题】 The ( ) hope to cooperate on this initial research.
①  historic
②  history
③  historical
④  historians
【单选题】 For college students, to take part in student union and other clubs and societies will exert a ( ) influence on their personality and life.
①  profound
②  found
③  profoundly
④  profoundity
【单选题】 The rent is reasonable, and ( ), the subway station is near by .
①  therefore
②  since
③  for
④  moreover
【单选题】 The National Museum in Beijing preserves an impressive collection of archaeological artifacts, ( ) and paintings.
①  state
②  statues
③  stay
④  station
【单选题】 The visitors of the museum appreciate the valuable ( ) of furniture.
①  suitable
②  suiting
③  suited
④  suit
【单选题】 The 1,400 fans were on their best ( ) and filed out peacefully at the end.
①  deed
②  behavior
③  act
④  performance
【单选题】 She gave a ( ) performance as the leading role in the school play, and the active atmosphere filled the theater.
①  vibrant
②  vibration
③  vibrate
④  vibrating