Direction: Fill in the blanks with the phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[have access to; go off; desperate for; put up with; always the case; give advice; concentrate on; arrive at; make an effort; come in handy]10. I calculated that he would[填空1]the meeting.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[have access to; go off; desperate for; put up with; always the case; give advice; concentrate on; arrive at; make an effort; come in handy]9. But in reality this is not[填空1].
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[have access to; go off; desperate for; put up with; always the case; give advice; concentrate on; arrive at; make an effort; come in handy]8. The prisoner[填空1]to escape, but he couldnt climb up the prison wall.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[have access to; go off; desperate for; put up with; always the case; give advice; concentrate on; arrive at; make an effort; come in handy]1. We may[填空1], but we cant give conduct.
【填空题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[have access to; go off; desperate for; put up with; always the case; give advice; concentrate on; arrive at; make an effort; come in handy]5.Ill have to[填空1]the noise till I move next week.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[have access to; go off; desperate for; put up with; always the case; give advice; concentrate on; arrive at; make an effort; come in handy]4. A few minutes later the bomb[填空1]destroying the vehicle.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[have access to; go off; desperate for; put up with; always the case; give advice; concentrate on; arrive at; make an effort; come in handy]3. This means that across the country all students will[填空1]computers.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[have access to; go off; desperate for; put up with; always the case; give advice; concentrate on; arrive at; make an effort; come in handy]6. In doing so, businessmen will be able to[填空1]how to do their best.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[have access to; go off; desperate for; put up with; always the case; give advice; concentrate on; arrive at; make an effort; come in handy]7.Its no wonder,then, that women all over the world are[填空1]a better option.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[have access to; go off; desperate for; put up with; always the case; give advice; concentrate on; arrive at; make an effort; come in handy]2. Dont throw those old textbooks away. They may[填空1]some day.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with thephrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[set off; after all; attach to; burst into laughter; lean against; teach...a lesson; take off; come to sense; give in to]6. Banks are almost always willing to[填空1]the security of property.
【单选题】 人事关系是( )与公共部门之间建立的一种特殊的劳动关系。
①  劳动者
②  公职人员
③  雇员
④  政府
【单选题】 从法律的角度来讲,劳动安全卫生是一种( )。
①  制度
②  法律保障
③  日常习惯
④  标准
【单选题】 伤亡事故的处理工作,应在( )日内结案,特殊情况下不得超过180日。
①  30
②  60
③  90
④  120
【单选题】 ( )年 4 月 25 日国务院发布 《事业单位人事管理条例》 (国务院令第 652 号), 这是我国首部系统规范事业单位人事管理的行政法规。并于当年7 月 1 日起施行。
①  2002
②  2012
③  2014
④  2018
【多选题】 安全卫生检查包括( )。
①  用人单位自身对安全卫生工作进行的经常性检查
②  地方劳动行政主管部门、产业主管部门组织的定期检查
③  工商部门进行的抽查
④  工会进行的检查
【多选题】 劳动安全卫生的意义在于( )。
①  防止、减少伤亡事故和职业危害,保障劳动者的安全和健康
②  改善劳动条件,保护劳动者
③  促进劳动生产率的提高和技术的进步
④  对女工和未成年工的特殊劳动保护,有利于国家的兴盛发达、民族优秀体质的延续
【多选题】 劳动人事争议仲裁应遵循三方原则。这里的三方是指( )。
①  政府
②  法院
③  工会
④  用人单位
【多选题】 按照事故原因的不同,伤亡事故可以分为( )。
①  因工伤亡
②  因公伤亡
③  非因工伤亡
④  非因公伤亡
【多选题】 按伤害程度和伤亡人数的不同,伤亡事故可分为( )和特大伤亡事故。
①  轻伤
②  重伤事故
③  死亡事故
④  重大伤害事故
【单选题】 室内工作地点的温度经常高于( )℃的,要采取降温措施。
①  30
②  32
③  35
④  37