有关妊娠期健康指导,下列正确的是( )
【单选题】 仰卧位放置便盆时,下身盖被折向( )。
①  胸腹处
②  近侧
③  远侧
④  以上都不对
【单选题】 对于吞咽障碍的老年患者来说,进食者姿势最好坐位,至少取( )度的仰卧位进行
①  20
②  30
③  40
④  50
⑤  60
【单选题】 下列食物含果胶较多的是( )。
①  面粉
②  黄豆
③  香蕉
④  黄瓜
【判断题】 高血压患者在限制钠盐摄入的同时还应限制钾、钙、镁等离子的摄入
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 含膳食纤维较多的食物为?
①  鱼、奶
②  粮谷、蔬菜
③  肉、蛋
④  果汁
【单选题】 婴儿应何时开始添加含铁丰富的食物( )。
①  2至4周
②  3至4个月
③  4至6个月
④  6至8个月
【单选题】 妊娠期妇女甲亢首选()。
①  碳酸锂
②  丙硫氧嘧啶
③  甲巯咪唑
④  碘化钾
⑤  放射性131I
【单选题】 下列是妊娠期高血压疾病的并发症是
①  脑溢血
②  视网膜剥离
③  肾功能衰竭
④  巨大儿
【单选题】 视诊见患者呈屈膝仰卧位,考虑可能为
①  胃炎
②  肺炎
③  腹膜炎
④  心包积液
⑤  心绞痛
【单选题】 进食体位一般取躯干呈( )仰卧位,头部前屈,偏瘫侧肩部以枕垫起,护士位于病人健侧。
①  15°
②  30°
③  45°
④  60°
【单选题】 Could you tell us _______her aunt will stay here?
①  that
②  what
③  how long
④  where
【单选题】 His mother _____alone since his father died.
①  lived
②  lives
③  has lived
④  is living
【单选题】 Show me your ______hand. Can you move it like that?
①  another
②  the other
③  other
④  the others
【单选题】 I saw that she was in difficulty with all those parcels, so I offered my_____.
①  service
②  money
③  use
④  chance
【单选题】 The electric fan has blown away the terrible smell in the hall, ______?
①  cant it
②  isnt it
③  hasnt it
④  doesnt it
【单选题】 The workers are busy ____models for the exhibition.
①  to make
②  with making
③  being making
④  making
【单选题】 Every morning Mr. Smith takes a ______to his office.
①  20 minutes walk
②  20 minutes walk
③  20-minutes walk
④  20-minute walk
【单选题】 The boy is not happy at the new school. He has ________ friends there.
①  few
②  a few
③  little
④  a little
【单选题】 We were all surprised when he made it clear that he _____________office soon.
①  leaves
②  would leave
③  left
④  had left
【单选题】 He _______ lives in the house where he was born.
①  already
②  yet
③  still
④  ever