She came in, a baby[填空] in her arms.
【单选题】 Lindas parents died when she was a baby, and she was __________ by her aunt.
①  turned into
②  raised up
③  grown up
④  brought up
【单选题】 She put her pen [填空] the desk.
①  in
②  on
③  at
④  for
【单选题】 She will be much [填空] in her mew class.
①  happy
②  happier
③  happiest
④  happyer
【多选题】 Suddenly,_____________ , a good idea came to her.
①  to her disappointment
②  to her great joy
③  to her surprise
④  to her delight
【单选题】 She put an extra blanket over the baby for fear that ____.
①  he catches cold
②  he should catch cold
③  he caught cold
④  he be catching cold
【单选题】 She put an extra blanket over the baby for fear that _____.
①  he catches cold
②  he should catch cold
③  he caught cold
④  he be catching cold
【单选题】 My sister falls while she is [填空] her bicycle and hurts herself.
①  ride
②  rideing
③  riding
④  rides
【单选题】 Everybody likes her because she is always _______ .
①  Everybody likes her because she is always _______ .
②  cheerful
③  sad
④  selfish
【单选题】 25. She put an extra blanket over the baby for fear that____.
①  he catches cold
②  he should catch cold
③  he caught cold
④  . he be catching cold
【单选题】 Alicereceived an invitation from her boss, ____came as a surprise.?
①  it ?
②  that ?
③  which ?
④  he?
【单选题】 柱下钢筋混凝土条形基础配筋,纵筋顶部钢筋应全部贯通,底部纵筋应有2~4根贯通,且不小于全部钢筋的( )。
①  1/5
②  1/4
③  1/3
④  1/2
【单选题】 当p~s曲线没有明显的临塑荷载和地基极限荷载时,可取( )对应的压力作为承载力特征值。
①  s=(0.01~0.05)b
②  s=(0.01~0.02)b
③  s=(0.01~0.1)b
④  s=0.02b
【单选题】 建筑物基础埋深是指( )。
①  从±0.00m到基础底面的垂直深度
②  从室外底面到基础底面的垂直距离
③  从室外设计地面到垫层底面的垂直距离
④  从室外设计地面到基础底面的垂直距离
【单选题】 在地基变形验算时,对于砌体承重结构应由( )控制。
①  沉降量
②  沉降差
③  倾斜
④  局部倾斜
【单选题】 筏型基础底板受力钢筋不宜小于( )。
①  8mm
②  10mm@12mm
③  14mm
【单选题】 下面属于钢筋混凝土扩展基础的是 ( )。
①  墙下钢筋混凝土条形基础
②  箱型基础、柱下钢筋混凝土条形基础
③  毛石基础、柱下钢筋混凝土独立基础
④  墙下钢筋混凝土条形基础、柱下钢筋混凝土条形基础
【单选题】 适用于建立在岩基上的桩基以及承受较大拉力或水平理的基础是( )。
①  岩石锚杆基础
②  钢筋混凝土扩展基础
③  筏型基础
④  柱下条形基础
【单选题】 基础埋深选择的原则,除基岩外,一般不宜小于( ),覆土厚度不宜小于( )。
①  1m,0.2m
②  0.5m,0.1m
③  0.5m,0.2m
④  1m,0.5m
【单选题】 柱下钢筋混凝土基础的高度受( )控制。
①  抗冲切条件
②  抗弯条件
③  抗拉条件
④  抗压条件
【单选题】 以下各种基础不是无筋扩展基础的是 ( )。
①  砖基础
②  钢筋混凝土基础
③  毛石基础
④  三合土和灰土基础