This path is only for [填空].
【单选题】 There will be [填空] only one person in the exam.
①  a
②  an
③  the
【单选题】 Only in this way [填空]we learn English well.
①  /
②  be
③  can
④  being
【单选题】 He is the only one of those workers who [填空]able to do this job.
①  are
②  have
③  is
④  has
【单选题】 A: That was a great dinner. [填空] B: Thanks. But it really only took an hour.
①  I have never had it before.
②  You must have spent all day cooking.
③  I enjoyed it very much.
④  Who cooked it?
【单选题】 They are not only teachers __________ our friends
①  but for
②  but also
③  however
④  whoever
【单选题】 Not only the society but also the people in it ______.
①  has changed
②  have changed
③  have been changed
④  has been changed
【单选题】 Only by shouting at the top of his voice ____.
①  he was able to make himself hear
②  he was able to make himself heard
③  was he able to make himself heard
④  was he able to make himself hear
【单选题】 Only in this way ____ out of the plan.
①  you can talk him
②  him can you talk
③  him you can talk
④  can you talk him
【单选题】 We only ( ) notes and travellers cheques.
①  exchanger
②  exchanges
③  exchangeable
④  exchange
【单选题】 Fortunately, Jack was only slightly injured in the traffic ____ .
①  incident
②  event
③  case
④  accident
【多选题】 医疗新技术应用过程中应遵循哪些伦理原则()
①  A救死扶伤原则
②  B人道主义原则
③  C科学的最优化原则
④  D保密原则
【多选题】 正常呼吸音有()
①  A肺泡呼吸音
②  B支气管呼吸音
③  C支气管肺泡呼吸音
④  D干啰音
【多选题】 患者有权复印或者复制的病历资料有()以及国务院卫生行政部门规定的其他病历资料。
①  A.门诊病历、住院志、体温单、医嘱单
②  B.化验单(检验报告)、医学影像检查资料、病理资料
③  C.特殊检查同意书、手术同意
④  D.手术及麻醉记录单、护理记录
【多选题】 张树栋医学博士,硕士研究生导师,北京大学第三医院泌尿外科副主任医师。其参与编写的著作有( )
①  A.泌尿外科微创手术学(第2版)(2013,人民卫生出版社)
②  B.《泌尿外科腹腔镜手术图谱》(2007,人民卫生出版社)
③  C.《辛曼泌尿外科手术图解》(2013,人民卫生出版社)
④  D.《泌尿外科疑难病例讨论精选》(2010,人民卫生出版社)
【多选题】 于广海医生在( )等领域有深入研究和丰富临床经验。
①  A.前列腺疾病
②  B.泌尿系肿瘤
③  C.泌尿系结石
④  D.消化内科
【多选题】 以下哪些属于渗透性利尿()
①  A.大量饮水使尿量增加
②  B.糖尿病患者的多尿
③  C.静滴20%的甘纯露
④  D.静滴生理盐水
【多选题】 一风心病二尖瓣病患者,因发热周住院。查体:肺底水泡音,肝大伴压痛,下肢水肿。心电示心率130次/分,P-R 间期0.28s.心脏听诊不可听到哪种奔马律
①  A.左室奔马律
②  B.右室奔马律
③  C.重叠奔马律
④  D.火车头奔马律
【多选题】 接触性皮炎与急性湿疹的鉴别诊断中,下列哪几项支持后者的诊断( )
①  A.皮疹多形性
②  B.病史常不明确
③  C.皮疹边界清楚
④  D.部位不定
【多选题】 银屑病关节型的临床表现有( )
①  A.先在红斑上出现小脓疱
②  B.有白庀的皮疹
③  C.全身皮肤潮红脱屑
④  D.有关节炎症状
【多选题】 哪些是痰热闭肺证的症状?
①  A.高热持续
②  B.咳嗽剧烈
③  C.发热烦躁
④  D.呼吸困难