Trade with other countries [填空] important.
【单选题】 Chinese economic and trade exhibitions have[填空] the exchange of the advanced techniques with foreign countries.
①  promoted
②  provided
③  moved
④  risen
【单选题】 I think [填空] maths is more important than any other subject.
①  the
②  a
③  an
④  /
【单选题】 Does Robert have [填空] computer? —Yes,he has [填空] .
①  an,some
②  a,one
③  a,/
④  any,one
【单选题】 The United States______ many other industrialized countries,______ major changes over the past 100 years.
①  as well as; has experienced
②  as well as; experienced
③  together with;experienced
④  together with; have experienced
【单选题】 It may only be through repeated experiments _______ a baby will come to accept the idea _______ other people can have different views from what he or she has.
①  how;which
②  how;that
③  that;that
④  which;which
【判断题】 Plastics has taken the place of many other materials.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 The company has consistentlythe products it offers and is likely to continue to move into new services and countries.
①  diversified
②  exemplified
③  identified
④  simplified
【单选题】 Bank of China has ( ) the other rivals by raising its offer.
①  trumped
②  attracted
③  won
④  judged
【单选题】 __________, the knowledge economy has become the major characteristic (特征) of the national economy of most developed countries.
①  From time to time
②  Once in a while
③  For the time being
④  Once upon a time
【单选题】 Pop music is such an important part of society [] it has even influenced our language.
①  as
②  that
③  which
④  where
【多选题】 根据平衡计分卡业绩评价原理,并结合我国企业集团业绩评价实践,可以将产业集团分部的“业绩”圈定为( )等方面。
①  分部财务业绩
②  集团战略推进业绩
③  分部内部管控效率业绩
④  总部财务业绩
⑤  集团战略管控业绩
【多选题】 任何财务管理分析都是对信息的剖析与再利用。信息归纳起来主要内部信息和外部信息两大类。下列信息属于外部信息的有( )。
①  集团战略
②  国家宏观经济政策
③  行业报告
④  公司预算
⑤  资本市场与产品市场相关信息
【单选题】 从业绩可控性程度分析,业绩评价中的“业绩”可分为( )与管理业绩。
①  财务业绩
②  非财务业绩
③  任期业绩
④  经营业绩
【单选题】 资产负债表一般由左(资产)右(负债和股东权益)两方构成其逻辑关系是( )。
①  收入-费用=利润
②  资产=负债+股东权益
③  资产=所有者权益+负债
④  资产+费用=负债+所有者权益+收入
【单选题】 ( )属于预算监控指标中的财务性关键业绩指标指标。
①  市场份额
②  产品产量
③  资产周转率
④  产品质量
【单选题】 资产负债率,也称负债比率,它是企业( )与资产总额的比率。
①  负债总额
②  流动负债总额
③  非流动负债总额
④  流动资产总额
【单选题】 财务状况是对公司某一时点的资产运营、( )等的统称。
①  资产负债结构
②  资产负债比率
③  资产结构
④  负债结构
【判断题】 企业集团成立的财务公司,其服务对象既可以为企业集团内部成员企业服务,也可以向社会提供金融服务。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 在收购行为中,目标企业不再具有法人资格,收购企业成为被收购企业的新股东,并以收购出资的股本为限承担风险。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 集团扩张速度可分为超常增长、适度平衡增长、低速增长等三种不同类型。
①  正确
②  错误