Di Wang Building is the[填空]of Shenzhen.
【单选题】 They also believe that building skyscrapers [填空] to solve the problem of the growing scarcity of land in the city.
①  help
②  helps
③  helping
④  to help
【单选题】 A peasant woman found a [填空]stone in her land.
①  priceless
②  price
③  high
④  highly
【单选题】 The left building is as [填空] as the right one.
①  long
②  longer
③  longest
④  longger
【单选题】 A high building stands [填空] the village.
①  on
②  in
③  behind
④  under
【单选题】 The building is twice [填空] big as that one.
①  as
②  so
③  for
④  at
【单选题】 When I get to the top of the building, the sun [填空].
①  shine
②  shines
③  is shining
④  was shining
【单选题】 A: Hello, this is Bill. Id like to speak with Mr Wang, please. B: [填空]
①  Who is speaking over there?
②  Sorry, he is not available at the moment.
③  Can you tell me who you are?
④  Theres no one here by that name.
【判断题】 DI。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 A: Mr. Wang, Im very much impressed. Theres no need for further questions. B: [填空].
①  Really? Thats great
②  Sorry, I didnt mean to bother you
③  Thank you for your time
④  Its my pleasure
【单选题】 The rain was heavy and ____ the land was flooded.
①  consequently
②  continuously
③  constantly
④  consistently
【单选题】 杜丽娘在下面哪个时候触发了思春之情:【 】
①  在家小憩时
②  游园之后
③  游园之前
④  春香闹学时
【单选题】 戏曲《牡丹亭》是什么故事【 】
①  爱情
②  亲情
③  友情
【单选题】 夸张是【 】常用的手法。
①  批评
②  比喻
③  拟人
④  讽刺
【单选题】 在春香闹学中,教书先生教了《诗经》中的哪首词:【 】
①  《关雎》
②  《蒹葭》
③  《蜉蝣》
④  《硕鼠》
【单选题】 《牡丹亭》与《紫钗记》《南柯记》还有什么并称为“临川四梦”【 】
①  红楼梦
②  西游记
③  儒林外史
④  邯郸记
【单选题】 牡丹亭的作者是哪个朝代的【 】
①  宋朝
②  清朝
③  明朝
④  唐朝
【单选题】 《牡丹亭》主要表达了作者对封建社会【 】制度的讽刺,主人公崇尚自由。
①  婚嫁
②  法律
③  科举
④  牢狱
【判断题】 我国于1984年明确规定“国家实行九年制义务教育”。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 班级教育采取教师主导,师生互动的方法。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 义务教育体现了小学教育的全面性。
①  正确
②  错误