They also believe that building skyscrapers [填空] to solve the problem of the growing scarcity of land in the city.
to help
【单选题】 1. I help him ____ he helps me. We help each other.
①  but
②  and
③  or
④  though
【单选题】 Computers can also help the police fight ______________ .
①  care
②  count
③  cash
④  crime
【单选题】 This record will help your safety officer ----what the problem is
①  bring up
②  put on
③  find out
④  take in
【单选题】 He called the police for help, ____ that the problem was more than he could deal with.
①  to realize
②  having been realized
③  realizing
④  realized
【单选题】 Don’t hesitate ______ for help if you have any problem meeting the schedule.
①  to ask
②  asked
③  asking
④  to be asked
【单选题】 Could you help [填空]?
①  I
②  me
③  my
④  mine
【单选题】 A: Please help yourself to the fish. B: [填空].
①  No, I cant
②  Thanks, but I dont like fish
③  Sorry, I cant help
④  Well, fish dont suit for
【单选题】 A: Please help yourself to the fish. B:[填空]
①  Thanks , but I dont like the fish.
②  Sorry, I cant help.
③  Well, what about you?
④  Oh, I cant.
【单选题】 I don’t think you can work out the maths problem ___ her help.
①  since
②  unless
③  with
④  without
【单选题】 What do you think _____solve the problem ?
①  you can do
②  can you do
③  you can do to
④  can you do to
【单选题】 设 A={1, 2, 4, 6}, 则关系 R={x, y|x, y∈A<img class=jc-formula style=vertical-align: middle; src=https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/D50FEE5510C853C83F78D440017D8E6B.png data-tex=\wedge />y 为素数}等于:
①  A×A - {1,1
②  {1,22,1
③  {1,12,24,46,62,14,24,1
④  {1,22,24,26,2}.
【单选题】 设 A={1, 2, 4, 6}, 则关系 R={x, y|x, y∈A<img class=jc-formula style=vertical-align: middle; src=https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/D50FEE5510C853C83F78D440017D8E6B.png data-tex=\wedge />x+y<img class=jc-formula style=vertical-align: middle; src=https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/13A61C2A9648B4CA9669118339549AE5.png data-tex=\neq />2}等于:
①  A×A - {1,1
②  {1,22,1
③  {1,12,24,46,62,14,24,1
④  {1,22,24,26,2}.
【单选题】 下面哪个是集合 A={2, 3, 4}上的整除关系:
①  {2,23,34,4
②  {2,22,32,43,23,33,44,24,34,4
③  {2,22,32,43,33,44,4}
④  {2,22,43,34,4}.
【单选题】 设 A={1, 2, 4, 6}, 则关系 R={x, y|x, y∈A<img class=jc-formula style=vertical-align: middle; src=https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/D50FEE5510C853C83F78D440017D8E6B.png data-tex=\wedge />|x-y|=1}等于:
①  A×A - {1,1
②  {1,22,1
③  {1,12,24,46,62,14,24,1
④  {1,22,24,26,2}.
【单选题】 设函数f: R+<img class=jc-formula style=vertical-align: middle; src=https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/F388E7EE9892B38FECEEB653227F230A.png data-tex=\mapsto />R+, f(x)=2x,则它是:
①  是满射不是单射;
②  是单射不是满射;
③  是双射;
④  都不是.
【单选题】 设 A 是 n 元集(n=1), 则从 A 到 A 的函数中,下面结论不对的是:
①  双射函数有 n!个;
②  单射函数有 n!个;
③  满射函数有 n!个;
④  函数有 n!个.
【单选题】 设 Ri 是 X 上的二元关系, 对于 x∈X 定义集合Ri(x)={y|xRiy}. 如果 X={-4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4}, 且令R2={x, y|x, y∈X<img class=jc-formula style=vertical-align: middle; src=https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/D50FEE5510C853C83F78D440017D8E6B.png data-tex=\wedge />y-1y+2},则R2(-1) =
①  {1,2,3,4};
②  {2,3,4};
③  { -1,0};
④  { -2, -1}。
【单选题】 设函数f: Z<img class=jc-formula style=vertical-align: middle; src=https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/F388E7EE9892B38FECEEB653227F230A.png data-tex=\mapsto />N, f(x)=|x|,则它是:
①  是满射不是单射;
②  是单射不是满射;
③  是双射;
④  都不是.
【单选题】 下面哪个是集合 A={2, 3, 4}上的小于等于关系:
①  {2,23,34,4
②  {2,22,32,43,23,33,44,24,34,4
③  {2,22,32,43,33,44,4}
④  {2,22,43,34,4}.
【单选题】 设 A = {1, 22, 43, 3},B = {1, 32, 44, 2},则差关系A-B等于:
①  {1,21,32,43,34,2
②  {2,4
③  {1,21,33,34,2
④  {1,23,3}.