He has been there, [填空]?
hasnt he
has he
does he
doesnt he
【单选题】 He has been to Beijing . So [填空] I.
①  have
②  does
③  do
④  did
【单选题】 Does Robert have [填空] computer? —Yes,he has [填空] .
①  an,some
②  a,one
③  a,/
④  any,one
【判断题】 Ever since he arrived, he has been complaining constantly about the weather.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 He used to in a small village, but now he has been used to in the big city.
①  live, living
②  live, live
③  living, living
④  living, live.
【单选题】 ___ he does has nothing to do with me.
①  Whatever
②  No matter what
③  That
④  If
【判断题】 He has been in china for three years.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Its ( ) that he has been away from home.
①  evident
②  important
③  genuine
④  alternative
【单选题】 he park has been built and it will be open _____ three years
①  A. in
②  B.for
③  C.on
④  D.after
【单选题】 She was wondering whether he has been writing anything new ____
①  late
②  later
③  latter
④  lately
【单选题】 “ Has he seen this film ? ” “Yes. He _________ it several days ago.”
①  saw
②  has seen
③  had seen
④  was seeing
【判断题】 60年代,黄佐临介绍布莱希特的叙述体戏剧体系,坚持在中国戏曲“写意戏剧观”的基础上探索中国话剧的民族化道路。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 最早引起社会关注的探索戏剧是哲理剧《屋外有热流》。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 下面是陈翔鹤60年代的历史小说?
①  《陶渊明写》
②  《杜子美还乡》
③  《广陵散》
④  《白发生黑丝》
【单选题】 “小腿疼”和“吃不饱”是哪一作品的人物
①  《三年早知道》
②  《山区收购站》
③  《“锻炼锻炼”》
④  《不能走那条路》
【判断题】 六七十年代最具有代表性的台湾小说家是白先勇、陈若曦、黄春明。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 下面是韩少功的寻根小说?
①  《归去来》
②  《爸爸爸》
③  《女女女》
④  《美食家》
【多选题】 下面属于“山药蛋派”的作家是?
①  马烽
②  西戎
③  周立波
④  柳青
【单选题】 《石室之死亡》的作者是?
①  洛夫
②  罗门
③  余光中
④  郑愁予
【单选题】 “新民歌运动”发生在哪一时期?
①  土地改革时期
②  新时期以后
③  “文革”时期
④  “大跃进”时期
【判断题】 高行健是80年代最具先锋意义的戏剧探索者。
①  正确
②  错误