It never snows in Kunming, [填空]?
isnt it
is it
does it
doesnt it
【单选题】 He never does his homework [填空] others.
①  so careful as
②  as carefully as
③  carefully as
④  as careful as
【单选题】 the fact()we may not be able to directly assist you does not mean your complaint isnt valid.
①  which
②  whom
③  who
④  that
【单选题】 A deer has four [填空] , doesnt it?
①  foots
②  feet
③  feets
④  foot
【单选题】 This isnt her ruler. [填空] is yellow.
①  That
②  These
③  Those
④  She
【单选题】 What does Lily [填空]?
①  look like
②  like
③  look
④  looks like
【单选题】 Lilei never [填空] a decision.
①  make
②  to make
③  making
④  makes
【单选题】 A: This meal is on me. [填空]. B: Thanks, but isnt it my turn to treat you?
①  Its none of your business
②  Ill treat you
③  My pleasure
④  I invite you
【单选题】 A: Does this bus go to the bookstore?B:[填空].
①  The bus is so crowded
②  No. Youd better change at the next stop
③  The bookstore is five blocks away
④  You should wait in line
【单选题】 Does Tim often play [填空] basketball after [填空] school?
①  /,/
②  /,the
③  the,/
④  a,//
【单选题】 Mike?does?his?homework?[填空]?seven?[填空]?nine.
①  on;?to
②  ?at;?in
③  ?from;?to
④  at;?on
【单选题】 Word 2010不包括的功能是( )。
①  编辑
②  编译
③  排版
④  打印
【单选题】 在Java中开发JDBC应用程序时,使用DriverManager类的getConnection()方法 建立与数据源的连接语句为: Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(“jdbc:odbc:news”); URL连接中的”n ews”表示的是( )
①  数据库中表的名称
②  数据库服务器的机器名
③  数据源的名称
④  用户名
【单选题】 下列流中哪一个使用了缓冲区技术( )?
①  BufferedOutputStream
②  FileInputStream
③  DataOutputStream
④  FileReader
【单选题】 定义外部类时不能用到的关键字是( )
①  final
②  public
③  protected
④  abstract
【单选题】 下列选项中不属于容器的一项是( )。
①  Window
②  Panel
③  FlowLayout
④  ScrollPane
【单选题】 如果容器组件p的布局是BorderLayout,则在p的下边中添加一个按钮b,应该使用的语句是( )
①  p.add
②  ;
③  p.add b,North);
④  p.add b,South);
⑤  add p,North);
【单选题】 下列说法中错误的一项是( )。
①  构件是一个可视化的能与用户在屏幕上交互的对象
②  构件能够独立显示出来
③  构件必须放在某个容器中才能正确显示
④  一个按钮可以是一个构件
【单选题】 Thread 类定义在下列哪个包中( )。
①  java.io
②  java.lang
③  java.util
④  java.awt
【单选题】 取ResutlSet对象rst的第一行数据,以下正确的是( )
①  rst.hashNext();
②  rst.next();
③  rst.first();
④  rst.nextRow();
【单选题】 下列程序实现了在当前包dir815下新建一个目录subDir815,选择正确的一项填入程序的 横线处,使程序符合要求( ) 。 package dir815; import java.io.*; public class X8_1_5 { public static void main(String[] args) { char ch; try{ File path = ; if(path.mkdir()) System.out.println(successful!); 48 } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
①  new File(subDir815);
②  new File(dir815.subDir815);
③  new File(dir815\subDir815);
④  new File(dir815/subDir815);