He said that those books ?[填空] his.
【单选题】 Those gifts o rare books that were given t us were deeply _____.
①  appreciated
②  approved
③  appealed
④  applied
【单选题】 He said that his sister ?[填空]been there one week before
①  had
②  has
③  have
④  will have
【单选题】 He said that it ?[填空]nine then.
①  was
②  is
③  were
④  are
【单选题】 He said that he ?[填空] not seen her that day .
①  has
②  have
③  having
④  had
【单选题】 5.Nobody would believe his words though he said he was ______ of the crime.
①  pure
②  clear
③  innocent
④  guilty
【单选题】 Little ___ that we were watching his every move, so he seemed to be going his own way in this business.
①  he realized
②  ?he didn’t realize
③  ?didn’t he realize
④  ?did he realize
【单选题】 He said the sun [填空] in the east and [填空] in the west.
①  rose,set
②  rises,sets
③  rises,set
④  rise,sets
【单选题】 He was sick, [填空]they were quiet.
①  so
②  or
③  never
④  so that
【单选题】 He is the only one of those workers who [填空]able to do this job.
①  are
②  have
③  is
④  has
【单选题】 It was said that his father _________ .
①  has died
②  died
③  has been dead
④  had died
【单选题】 ()是当代现代化的最强音。
①  A.智慧
②  B.数字
③  C.流量
④  D.数据
【单选题】 贫富发生的理论框架包括结构主义和( )。
①  A.文化主义
②  B.沙文主义
③  C.宗教主义
④  D.自由主义
【判断题】 敬业是更高层次的需求,是从内心对所从事的行业的爱与尊敬。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 家庭联产承包责任制使温饱问题在中国得到了解决。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 人的本性和道德约束是互相矛盾的。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 十三届全国人大对国务院机构做出了重大调整,设立了自然资源部和环境保护部。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 海晏县甘子河乡俄日村的旅游产业扶贫模式包括( )。
①  A.参与式
②  B.订单式
③  C.分红式
④  D.入工培训式
【多选题】 属于学术失范现象的是( )。
①  A.抄袭剽窃他人的学术成果
②  B.隐匿学术源流
③  C.自我炒作、自我宣传
④  D.学术成果的粗制滥造
【多选题】 下列属于科技道德问题的是( )。
①  A.弄虚作假,编造实验数据,剽窃他人成果等,严重违背科学工作者求真诚实的道德底线
②  B.一切向钱看,以业谋私,以职谋私
③  C.不顾大局,个人第一,不讲民主,不讲团结,无端内耗,协作困难
④  D.不注重事实,不讲科学,缺乏严谨的治学态度
【多选题】 增强专业技术人员团队的团队凝聚力的方法有( )。
①  A.在团队工作中互谦互让
②  B.留意那些仍在观望的成员,鼓励参与
③  C.寻找机会与需要鼓励的成员共处
④  D.在组建团队时即表明每一个人的参与都是团队成功不可分割的一部分