I live in the?house??[填空]windows?look out over the sea
【单选题】 They live in a house whose door[填空]which opens to the south.
①  for
②  of
③  in
④  with
【单选题】 The house __________ he used to live in is a library now.
①  which
②  where
【单选题】 —Look, someone is coming. Guess who it ___ be?—I think it ___ be Tom.—I don’t think it ___ be ___.
①  ?must; can; must; his
②  ?may; can; must; him
③  ?can; must; can; him
④  ?might; must; can; himself
【单选题】 6. –Look, someone is coming. Guess who it _____ be?–I think it _____ be Tom.–I don’tthink it _____ be _____.
①  must; can; must; his
②  may; can; must; him
③  must; can; him
④  might; must; can; himself
【单选题】 Look,someone is coming. Guess who it_________be?I think it______be Tom.I dont think it______be_______.
①  must;can;must;his
②  may;can;must;him
③  can;must;can;him
④  might;must;can;himself
【单选题】 That man alone over there – who is he?
①  He is a student
②  He is Doctor Took
③  A driver, I suppose
④  He’s drunk
【填空题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with thephrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[ought to; look forward to; in wonder; give way to; look down; on the way to; reach out; put one’s arm around; trip over; cut into]4. If you dont lace up your shoes, youll[填空1].
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with thephrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[ought to; look forward to; in wonder; give way to; look down; on the way to; reach out; put one’s arm around; trip over; cut into]6. We[填空1]hearing from you soon.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with thephrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[ought to; look forward to; in wonder; give way to; look down; on the way to; reach out; put one’s arm around; trip over; cut into]2. When they saw the horse, all stood still[填空1].
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with thephrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[ought to; look forward to; in wonder; give way to; look down; on the way to; reach out; put one’s arm around; trip over; cut into]10. The boards were[填空1]shape for further processing.
【单选题】 不同的服装要用不同的配饰来搭配。下列说法错误的是( )
①  要摆得生动
②  尽量多加些装饰品
③  可以加一些小花之类的做点缀
④  在摆放衣服时,要有搭配
【判断题】 买家不可以对卖家的发货速度进行评价,发货的速度影响搜索流量。 ( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 淘宝活动分为三种类型不包括( )
①  类目型
②  全站型
③  单站型
④  平台型
【单选题】 下列关于淘宝网人气排名优化建议错误的是( )
①  优化具体的关键词
②  保证类目属性正确
③  保证你的宝贝没有违规
④  用不同的方式发布同一个宝贝
【单选题】 相互收藏店铺可以增加人气。 ( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 淘宝网卖家不用收藏其他店铺作为关注对象。 ( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 博客的布置要简洁,打开迅速,符合大家的习惯。 ( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 赠品促销是一种既能短时间增加销量,又能起到长时间树立品牌形象的极佳促销方式。 ( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 打折促销的策略主要有哪些( )
①  程度策略
②  频率策略
③  范围策略
④  期间策略
⑤  以上都正确
⑥  时机策略
【单选题】 钻石展位的图片不重要,足够清晰就可以了。 ( )
①  正确
②  错误