He is good?at?playing?football.
【判断题】 He enjoys?playing?football.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Tom is in favor of going to the movies; Jack insists on playing football.
①  while
②  meanwhile
③  when
④  at the same time
【单选题】 — David injured his leg playing football yesterday.— Really? ______?
①  Who did that
②  Whats wrong with him
③  How did that happen
④  Why was that
【单选题】 The boy has admitted to ____ the window while playing football yesterday.
①  breaking
②  having been broken
③  break
④  be breaking
【单选题】 The boy has admitted to _____the window while playing football yesterday.
①  breaking
②  having been broken
③  break
④  be breaking
【单选题】 A: David injured his leg playing football yesterday. B: Really? [填空]
①  Who did that?
②  hats wrong with him
③  How did that happen
④  Why was he so careless?
【单选题】 18. Some students like to play_____ piano, while others like to play _____ football.
①  the, /
②  /, the
③  the, the
④  . the, a
【单选题】 Of swimming and football he much preferred _____.
①  later
②  the later
③  former
④  the former
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form if necessary.[privilege; component; stagnant; entangle; superficial; arresting; expound; penetrating; indulge; click]6. He returned to Ohio so that he could[填空1]his passion for football.
【单选题】 Jack is [填空] teacher.He likes playing [填空] pingpang.
①  a,the
②  an,the
③  a,/
④  an,/
【单选题】 古罗马建筑师马可·维特鲁威在《建筑十书》中提出的建筑三要素不包括()。
①  实用
②  坚固
③  美观
④  创新
【单选题】 乔治·蓬皮社国家艺术文化中心位于()。
①  爱尔兰
②  英国
③  法国
④  德国
【单选题】 《天鹅湖》乐曲的作曲人是( )。
①  贝多芬
②  肖邦
③  巴赫
④  柴可夫斯基
【单选题】 ( )是历史上首部芭蕾舞剧,标志着芭蕾舞剧诞生。
①  《天鹅湖》
②  《胡桃夹子》
③  《红色娘子军》
④  《王后戏剧芭蕾》
【单选题】 下列不属于“维也纳古典乐派”的是()。
①  海顿
②  莫扎特
③  贝多芬
④  德沃夏克
【单选题】 《黄河大合唱》的作者是()。
①  萧友梅、聂耳
②  聂耳、冼星海
③  蔡元培、萧友梅
④  冼星海、光未然
【单选题】 中国音乐教育的奠基人和开拓者是()。
①  冼星海
②  聂耳
③  蔡元培
④  萧友梅
【简答题】 《思想者》本来是罗丹的雕塑作品《_____ 》中的一个人物,后来被独立出来成为一件艺术名作。
【简答题】 李安的电影都体现了理智与情感,是属于_____ 电影。
【简答题】 北京奥运会闭幕式晚会运用香山红叶表达依依惜别之情,这体现了中国传统文化与现代高科技结合,是_____ 创新的典范。