The interviewer asked what he[填空] .
will do
have done
had done
【单选题】 After the student was praised for what he had done, he said:“ I______ even better under harder conditions. ”
①  had done
②  did
③  would have done
④  would do
【判断题】 ____Unless_____ they can get people in the organization to do what must he done, they will not succeed.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 They have done things they ought_____.
①  not to do
②  not to be done
③  not to have done
④  not having done
【判断题】 John has never acted as he should have done. 此句中的“done”替代了“has”.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 判断线上的内容是否正确:____Unless_____ they can get people in the organization to do what must he done, they will not succeed.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 A: What does your father do? B: [填空].
①  He is cleaning the street
②  He is fifty
③  He is a worker
④  He is all right
【单选题】 I am very grateful to you for what you’ve given me and __________ you have done for me.
①  which
②  that
③  all what
④  all that
【单选题】 Of course she ___________ what youve done.
①  is pround of
②  finds a way
③  takes off
④  fights for
【单选题】 Is she still angry _______what Tom has done?
①  to
②  with
③  about
【单选题】 Does Robert have [填空] computer? —Yes,he has [填空] .
①  an,some
②  a,one
③  a,/
④  any,one
【多选题】 与自然因素和人为因素均有关的地质灾害是()
①  A美国圣海伦斯火山大爆发
②  B长江上游地区泥石流频繁发生
③  C香港山地中部发生滑坡
④  D20世纪70年代的唐山大地震
【单选题】 厚度较大的钢板,由于刚性较好,焊后没有明显变形,说明焊接应力是( )。
①  A.很小的
②  B.较小的
③  C.没有的
④  D.很大的
【单选题】 铆接件承受载荷时,作用力主要依靠( )来传递的。
①  A.挤压力
②  B.剪应力
③  C.摩擦阻力
④  D.拉力
【单选题】 员工对企业文化的认同是对( )的认同。
①  A.企业现状
②  B.超越个人的共同价值观
③  C.企业的盈利能力
④  D.企业家的个人价值观
【单选题】 优秀的企业文化,最终必须能够服务于( )。
①  A.企业
②  B.社会
③  C.人
④  D.国家
【单选题】 下列各项中,不属于房地产企业设置的成本项目的是()
①  A.土地征用及拆迁补偿费
②  B.前期工程费
③  C.建筑安装工程费
④  D.机械作业费
【单选题】 分步法适用于()
①  A.大量大批生产
②  B.单件小批生产
③  C.单步骤生产
④  D.大量大批多步骤生产
【单选题】 工匠精神的本质是()
①  A.勤奋踏实
②  B.精益求精
③  C.爱岗敬业
④  D.责任心
【单选题】 下列哪一类矿物是粘土矿物()
①  A高岭石
②  B方解石
③  C石榴子石
④  D黄铁矿
【单选题】 从水平流场的风速结构特征表明,在随机分布模式内灌丛与灌丛之间形成的类似“狭管”的格局有局部()风速的作用
①  A减少
②  B抬升
③  C降低
④  D保持