By the time you get there, the guests will [填空].
have left
be leaving
【单选题】 Let’s get through the work quickly.----seems to be little time left now.
①  It
②  There
③  That
④  We
【单选题】 Operations which left patients ____ and in need of long periods of recovery time now leave them feeling relaxed and comfortable.
①  exhausted
②  unhealthy
③  upset
④  fearful
【单选题】 Operations which left patients _____and in need of long periods of discovery time now leave them feeling relaxed and comfortable.
①  exhausted
②  unhealthy
③  upset
④  fearful
【单选题】 Visitor: How do I get to the bank? I have no knowledge of this area.   Policeman: Cross the road and turn left at the other side. __________ for about 100 meters and the bank is to your left.
①  Continue your walking
②  Keep going straight
③  Go along
④  Go on walking
【单选题】 Visitor: How do I get to the bank? I have no knowledge of this area.   Policeman: Cross the road and turn left at the other side. __________ for about 100 meters and the bank is to your left.
①  Continue your walking
②  Keep going straight
③  Go along
④  Go on walking
【单选题】 7.Sorry, there’s only one seat left. ______ you _____ she can have it.
①  Neither; nor
②  Either; or
③  Both; and
④  Not; but
【单选题】 —Have you searched the sitting room for your key? —No. It was in the study________ I remember I left it.
①  which
②  where
③  that
④  as
【单选题】 ________ you are leaving tomorrow, we can have dinner together tonight.
①  Since
②  While
③  For
④  Before
【单选题】 14.If you move to the left, you _______able to see the church.
①  will be
②  were
③  are
④  have been
【单选题】 He left in such a hurry that I _______ had time to thank him.
①  almost
②  even
③  hardly
④  nearly
【单选题】 中央银行作为金融机构,也要追求利润最大化。这一命题( )。
【单选题】 在经济过热需求过旺和通胀压力下,应该采取的支持配合方式是( )。
①  松的货币政策和松的财政政策
②  紧的货币政策和紧的财政政策
③  松的货币政策和紧的财政政策
④  紧的货币政策和松的财政政策
【单选题】 窗口指导属于选择性货币政策工具。这一命题( )。
【单选题】 一般性货币政策工具中,公开市场业务缺乏弹性和灵活性。这一命题( )。
【单选题】 在货币政策传导机制理论中,强调恒久性收入变量传导重要性的是( )的观点。
①  凯恩斯学派
②  理性预期学派
③  货币学派
④  供给学派
【单选题】 下列属于中央银行资产项目的有(  )。
①  流通中的货币
②  再贷款业务
③  政府债券
④  商业银行等金融机构存款
【单选题】 货币政策目标中,( )一般来说是一致的。
①  经济增长与充分就业
②  经济增长与物价稳定
③  物价稳定与充分就业
④  物价稳定与国际收支平衡
【单选题】 一般性货币政策工具中,( )“更像巨斧而不像小刀”。
①  法定存款准备金政策
②  再贴现政策
③  公开市场业务
④  利率管制
【单选题】 一般性货币政策工具中,可以实现市场微调的是( )。
①  法定存款准备金政策
②  再贴现政策
③  公开市场业务
④  利率管制
【单选题】 1948年12月1日,在合并华北银行、( )和西北农民银行的基础上,成立了中国人民银行。
①  晋察冀边区银行
②  北海银行
③  陕甘宁边区银行
④  关东银行