There is a sharp drop[填空] birth rate in this area.
【单选题】 The birth rate of the country decreases ______ with years.
①  extremely
②  approximately
③  progressively
【单选题】 A country ________ birth rate is higher than its death rate will have an increasing population.
①  who
②  which
③  whose
④  where
【单选题】 The city ____ its birth-rate by almost 60% in the past 20 years.
①  cuts
②  has been cut
③  cut
④  has cut
【单选题】 The city ______ its birth-rate by almost 60% in the past 20 years.
①  cuts
②  has been cut
③  cut
④  has cut
【单选题】 Drop me [填空] at school, please.
①  off
②  out
③  in
④  down
【判断题】 Tourists from all over the world love to buy clothes in Hongkong
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 I insist everybody [填空] here at six sharp.
①  be
②  been
③  /is
④  being
【单选题】 The tall building of the martyred city flashed by as we lurched from side to side ______ the driver’s sharp twists of the wheel.
①  in response to
②  as response to
③  in response of
④  as response of
【单选题】 [填空] play football in the public area.
①  Don't
②  Doesn't
③  Do
④  Does
【单选题】 [填空] play football in the public area.
①  Dont
②  Doesnt
③  Do
④  Does
【单选题】 正常女性阴道内正常寄生菌主要为
①  大肠杆菌
②  乳酸杆菌
③  消化链球菌
④  表皮葡萄球菌
⑤  棒杆菌
【单选题】 24岁初孕妇,妊娠43周,自觉胎动减少已2日。血压110/70mmHg,枕左前位,无头盆不称,征象。 该孕妇可以省略的检查项目是()
①  A.Bishop宫颈成熟度评分
②  测量子宫长度和腹围
③  胎儿监护仪监测胎心变化
④  B型超声监测
⑤  超声多普勒测胎心数
【单选题】 闭经病人用孕激素治疗后出现撤药性阴道流血,表示
①  子宫内膜呈萎缩型
②  子宫内膜有结核病灶
③  体内缺乏雌激素
④  子宫内膜对雌激素不起反应
⑤  子宫内膜已受雌激素影响
【单选题】 分泌雌激素的卵巢恶性肿瘤是
①  未成熟型畸胎瘤
②  浆液性囊腺癌
③  子宫内膜样癌
④  颗粒细胞瘤
⑤  原发性绒癌
【单选题】 子宫破裂的先兆是
①  宫缩乏力
②  宫缩过强
③  病理性缩复环
④  胎膜早破
【单选题】 下列情况哪项不是缩宫素应用的禁忌证()
①  胎儿窘迫
②  骨盆狭窄
③  胎儿脑积水
④  跨耻征阳性
⑤  臀位
【单选题】 急性胎儿窘迫的处理原则是
①  必须立即终止妊娠
②  尽早人工破膜
③  尽快改善缺氧状态,尽快终止妊娠
④  加强宫缩、尽快分娩
【单选题】 女,36岁,月经量增多2年。妇科检查:子宫增大,如孕3个月大小,形态不规则,质硬。该患者最有可能的诊断是
①  子宫内膜癌
②  早期妊娠
③  弥散型子宫腺肌病
④  急性子宫内膜炎
【单选题】 排卵的监测有多种方法,除外
①  基础体温测定的最低点
②  宫颈黏液Insler 评分 8-10 分
③  B 超监测最大卵泡直径 18-20 mm
④  子宫内膜活检呈增生过长
⑤  激素的测定示尿黄体生成激素+ 血清雌激素(E2)高值
【单选题】 妇科手术在处理下列组织时最易损伤输尿管的部位,正确的是
①  骨盆漏斗韧带、主韧带、圆韧带
②  主韧带、骨盆漏斗韧带、子宫动脉
③  子宫动脉、宫骶韧带、卵巢固有韧带
④  输输卵管系膜、卵巢固有韧带、子宫动脉
⑤  圆韧带、宫骶韧带、子宫动脉