I insist everybody [填空] here at six sharp.
【单选题】 I came to?Beijing?in 1991 and have been ?[填空] here ever since.
①  live
②  lives
③  lived
④  living
【单选题】 I haven’t made any new friends yet and everybody here makes ____ of me.
①  fun
②  smile
③  laugh
④  joy
【单选题】 I ________ here since I moved here.
①  will work
②  worked
③  work
④  have been working
【单选题】 I have been at home [填空]Sunday.
①  on
②  for
③  at
④  since
【单选题】 I_______here since I moved here.
①  will work
②  worked
③  work
④  have been working
【单选题】 A: Would you mind if I play the violin here? B: [填空].
①  Of course not.
②  Yes, I dont mind
③  Yes, you may do that
④  OK. Everyone does
【单选题】 I’ll stay here?[填空]two weeks.
①  in
②  for
③  at
④  since
【单选题】 He has been to Beijing . So [填空] I.
①  have
②  does
③  do
④  did
【单选题】 The sandwhich course, [填空]I have been on for a week ,is really excellent.
①  which
②  that
③  whose
④  who
【单选题】 Please [填空] these docuents to everybody.
①  give off
②  give out
③  give up
④  give in
【单选题】 同时使用两种滴眼剂,宜间隔
①  4分钟
②  6分钟
③  2分钟
④  8分钟
⑤  10分钟
【单选题】 健胃药和刺激性药宜
①  发作前1~2小时服
②  空腹服
③  饭后服
④  饭前服
⑤  睡觉前服
【单选题】 茺蔚的正名是
①  益母草
②  楮实子
③  七叶一枝花
④  王不留行
⑤  麻黄
【单选题】 处方写番木鳖,应付
①  山栀子
②  马钱子
③  番泻叶
④  海南子
⑤  木鳖子
【单选题】 处方写白术,应付
①  清炒品
②  盐炙品
③  麸炒品
④  酒炒品
⑤  醋炙品
【单选题】 抗疟药宜
①  发作前1~2小时服
②  睡觉前服
③  饭后服
④  饭前服
⑤  空腹服
【单选题】 服用蜂蜜忌
①  陈醋
②  白萝卜
③  苋菜
④  鳖肉
⑤  生葱
【单选题】 处方药名注焦,应调配炒焦的饮片不包括
①  焦谷芽
②  焦山楂
③  焦麦芽
④  焦陈皮
⑤  焦栀子
【单选题】 淡大芸的正名是
①  肉豆蔻
②  肉苁蓉
③  淡竹叶
④  牛蒡子
⑤  云茯苓
【单选题】 中成药外用调敷患处时,常用的液体辅料不包括
①  白酒
②  茶水
④  香油
⑤  米汤