I doubt[填空] we can finish it on time.
【单选题】 A: I doubt whether the Chinese Football Team can win the game this time. B: [填空].
①  Thats true
②  Its hard to say
③  I like the team
④  I dont believe it
【单选题】 I doubt whether the Chinese Football Team can win the game this time.____________
①  That’s true.
②  It’s hard to say.
③  I like the team.
④  I don’t believe it.
【单选题】 17.I dont think we can finish all the work before Friday, ____we?
①  shall
②  will
③  can
④  do
【单选题】 He can ride a motorbike, so [填空] I.
①  can
②  do
③  am
④  does
【单选题】 I really do not know whether we can succeed, so do not expect ____.
①  too much of us
②  us too much
③  of us too much
④  us of too much
【单选题】 -Must I finish the report today? -_____________________.You can finish it tomorrow.
①  Yes, you must
②  No, you mustn’t.
③  No, you don’t have to
④  yes
【单选题】 I can finish the assignment_______myself.
①  by
②  on
③  with
【单选题】 A: Would you like to go to the cinema? B: If I can finish my homework. A: [填空]
①  Why bother?
②  Oh, come on!
③  Then what?
④  Thanks a lot.
【单选题】 The Smith family will have gone ______ by the time we finish summer school.
①  camp
②  camps
③  camping
④  camped
【单选题】 I [填空]talk to everyone a lot,but now we communicate by email most of the time.
①  use to
②  used to
③  am used to
④  using to
【简答题】 数据库系统的三级模式结构是指数据库系统是由[填空1]、内模式和外模式 三级构成。
【简答题】 解释关系模型,它有什么优缺点?
【简答题】 数据库管理系统有哪些主要功能?
【简答题】 什么是数据库?
【简答题】 什么是数据模型及其要素?
【简答题】 数据库系统中DBA指的是[填空1]。
【简答题】 什么是DBS,它有什么特点?
【简答题】 SQL语句的功能及特点?
【简答题】 概念模型中两实体型之间的联系主要有 1:1、[填空1]、m:n三种。
【简答题】 关系模型的三类完整性约束是实体完整性、参照完整性和[填空1]。