The airplane?[填空] is taking off?is?making a lot of noise.
【单选题】 Before taking off, they were asked to ____ their seat-belts.
①  fast
②  wide
③  focus
④  fasten
【单选题】 He is the only one of those workers who [填空]able to do this job.
①  are
②  have
③  is
④  has
【单选题】 The noise was so ____ that only those with excellent hearing were aware of it.
①  dim
②  soft
③  faint
④  gentle
【单选题】 My teachers words ( ) me a lot in my decision making.
①  assured
②  accomplished
③  confronte
④  influenced
【单选题】 I particularly want to pay tribute, not only to those who prepared the magnificent dinner, but also to those who have provided the splendid music.
①  A.我不仅要特别奖赏那些准备了这次盛大晚宴的人,而且还要奖赏那些为我们提供美好音乐的人。
②  B.我不仅要特别赞扬那些准备了这次盛大晚宴的人,而且还要赞扬那些为我们提供美好音乐的人。
③  C.我不仅要特别赞扬那些准备了这次盛大晚宴的人,而且还要赞扬那些为我们演奏好音乐的人。
④  D.我特别赞扬的不是那些准备了这次盛晚宴的人,而是那些为我们演奏美好音乐的人。
【单选题】 Those who have applied for the post()in the office.
①  are being interviewed
②  are interviewing
③  interviewing
④  to be interviewing
【单选题】 What are not good rules to follow for making instructions effective?
①  Use simple instructions and make them suit the comprehension level of the students
②  Use the mother tongue only when it is necessary
③  Use body language to assist understanding
④  Not model the task or activity before letting students move into groups or pairs .
【单选题】 17._____ of English is essential for those who apply for the post.
①  Good knowledge
②  A good knowledge
③  Good knowledges
④  The good knowledge
【判断题】 It is often the case___as ___anything is possible for those who hang on to hope.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Prices of goods ( ) online can be lower than those in off-line stores.
①  buying
②  buy
③  bought
④  that buys
【单选题】 我国发展新的历史方位
①  A.基本完成社会主义改造
②  B.基本实现社会主义现代化
③  C.经过长期努力,中国特色社会主义进入了新时代
④  D.我国将长期处于社会主义初级阶段
【单选题】 爱自己的同胞就是
①  A.爱自己的家人
②  B.爱父母和长辈
③  C.爱人民群众
④  D.爱自己的老师同学同事
【单选题】 中华民族精神的核心
①  A.勤劳勇敢
②  B.爱国主义
③  C.吃苦耐劳
④  D.艰苦奋斗
【单选题】 藏独、疆独是
①  A.大民族主义(民族沙文主义)
②  B.民族分裂主义
③  C.狭隘民族主义
④  D.民族极端主义
【单选题】 新民主主义革命时期的任务
①  A.推翻帝国主义、封建主义和官僚资本主义的反动统治
②  B.建立新中国
③  C.维护世界和平与促进共同发展
④  D.推进现代化建设
【判断题】 改革创新是时代精神的核心
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 经济全球化是世界经济发展的趋势,但不等于全球政治、文化也一体化
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 所谓民族精神,是指一个民族在长期共同生活和实践中形成的,为本民族大多数成员所认同的价值取向、思维方式、道德规范、精神气质的总和
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 爱自己的同胞就是爱人民群众。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 国家仍然是民族存在的最高组织形式。
①  正确
②  错误