Before?he came to China, he??[填空]Chinese for three years.
have learned
had learned
【判断题】 By?the end of last month, he?had learned?three thousand new words.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 Before he began to study in the university, he had worked in a company for three years.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 It was because he was too clumsy to drive a car that Jim hadnt learned to drive.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 He has been in china for three years.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Before he came to New York, he had never heard a single English word().
①  speak
②  to speak
③  spoke
④  spoken
【单选题】 Mr. Zhang, _______ we have learned a lot, is very popular among us.
①  who
②  from that
③  from whom
④  whom
【单选题】 If you learned a bit about calligraphy, the ?art of writing Chinese characters, you would realize there ______ a lot of ?pleasure in it.
①  is
②  has
③  were
④  would be
【多选题】 Ive learned_____________ from you.
①  several
②  much
③  a lot
④  a great deal
【单选题】 That day he ___ his clothes before he came to see me.
①  has washed
②  washed
③  had been washing
④  was washed
【单选题】 That day he ___________ his clothes before he came to see me.
①  has washed
②  washed
③  had been washing
④  was washed
【多选题】 《鄘风·墙有茨》中的“茨”不是下列那两种物体?
①  一种植物
②  一种虫子
③  一种水果
【多选题】 《周南·桃夭》“之子于归,宜其室家。”中的“宜”是什么意思?
①  适宜
②  和顺
③  亲善
【多选题】 《郑风·女曰鸡鸣》“女曰鸡鸣,士曰昧旦。”中的“昧旦”解释错误的是?
①  天将黑
②  中午
③  天将亮
【多选题】 《王风·黍离》所咏叹的是什么地方?
①  成周
②  宗周
③  镐京
【单选题】 《邶风·日月》“乃如之人兮,逝不古处?”中“逝”是什么词性?
①  名词语
②  气词
③  助词
【单选题】 《卫风·氓》“不见复关,泣涕涟涟。”中的“涕”是什么意思?
①  鼻涕
③  眼泪
【单选题】 《豳风·七月》“春日载阳,有鸣仓庚。”中的“仓庚”指的是哪一种鸟?
①  黄莺
②  杜鹃
③  麻雀
【单选题】 《魏风·硕鼠》“逝将去女,适彼乐国。”中的“国”是什么意思?
①  国家
②  地方
③  民族
【单选题】 《周南·关雎》中“关关雎鸠”后面一句是什么?
①  君子好逑
②  在河之洲
③  辗转反侧
【判断题】 《驺虞》是《诗?国风?召南》里的篇名。
①  正确
②  错误