若有说明class Y{//…;public:staticint n;};int Y::n;Y objY;,则对n的正确访问语句是()
【判断题】 若X~N(0,2),Y~N(2,1),X,Y独立,则X-Y~N(-2,1).
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 已知 y=2, z=3, n=4,则经过 n=n+ -y*z/n 运算后 n 的值为( ) 。
①  3
②  -1
③  -12
④  -3
【单选题】 以下程序的运行结果是。main( ){int c,x,y; x=1; y=1; c=0; c=x++||y++; printf(“\n%d%d%d\n”,x,y,c);}
①  110
②  011
③  211
④  001
【单选题】 以下程序的运行结果是。main( ){int c,x,y; x=1; y=1; c=0; c=x++||y++; printf(“\n%d%d%d\n”,x,y,c);}
①  110
②  211
③  011
④  001
【单选题】 已知点M(1,-2)、N(3,-1)和直线x+2y-1=0,则( )
①  M在直线上、N不在直线上
②  M不在直线上、N在直线上
③  M、N都不在直线上
④  M、N都在直线上
【单选题】 执行下面程序后,运行结果是 #includevoid main( ) { int x=41,y=1; if (x%3==0 x%7==0) { y+=x;printf(y=%d\n} else {y=x;printf(y=%d} }
①  y=41
②  y=43
③  y=42
④  y=1
【单选题】 已知点M(2,-1)、N(1,4)和直线 x+2y-1=0,则( )
①  M在直线上、N不在直线上
②  M不在直线上、N在直线上
③  M、N都不在直线上
④  M、N都在直线上
【单选题】 两个相互独立的随机变量X和Y分别服从正态分布N(0,1)和N(1,1),则
①  <img class=jc-formula data-tex=P(X+Y\le 0)=\frac { 1 }{ 2 } src=https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/2D796C16E4ADCDC598AFA0E462095A7C.png style=vertical-align: middle;/>
②  <img class=jc-formula data-tex=P(X+Y\le1)=\frac { 1 }{ 2 } src=https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/7CB2C1C70ED2C80A1B88E527EB9CA463.png style=vertical-align: middle;/>
③  <img class=jc-formula data-tex=P(X-Y\le 0)=\frac { 1 }{ 2 } src=https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/FB3B9FB1D8E1D2482BA90188CE469A84.png style=vertical-align: middle;/>
④  <img class=jc-formula data-tex=P(X-Y\le 1)=\frac { 1 }{ 2 } src=https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/03DC9D32FBCAC18FA548285A7F9DF6CC.png style=vertical-align: middle;/>
【单选题】 写出下面程序的执行结果。main( ){ int x,y=1; if(y!=0) printf(“%d\t”,x); if(y= =0) else printf(“%d\t\n”,x);
①  1 3
②  1 5
③  5 3
④  5 5
【单选题】 写出下面程序的执行结果。main( ){ int x,y=1; if(y!=0) printf(“%d\t”,x); if(y= =0) else printf(“%d\t\n”,x);}
①  1 3
②  1 5
③  5 3
④  5 5
【单选题】 The humble bell-boy ______ his tongue reprovingly in front of the princess.
①  flipped
②  chuckled
③  clucked
④  flickered
【单选题】 I am a fisherman ______.
①  by trade
②  for trade
③  on trade
④  of trade
【单选题】 At last this intermezzo _____, and I found myself in front of the gigantic City Hall.
①  came to an end
②  came to the end
③  came to end
④  came to ending
【单选题】 I was again crushed by the thought that I stood on the ____ of the first atomic bombardment.
①  spot
②  site
③  place
④  area
【单选题】 Hiroshima, as you know, is a city familiar ______ everyone.
①  with
②  to
③  for
④  by
【单选题】 If you bear any visible scars of atomic burns, your children will encounter prejudice ______ those who do not.
①  on the side of
②  at the side of
③  on the part of
④  at the part of
【单选题】 As the offender _______ his crime, he was dealt with leniently.
①  had admitted
②  had confessed
③  had recognized
④  had realized
【单选题】 I now stood on the site where thousands upon thousands of others had lingered on to die ____ slow agony.
①  at
②  from
③  of
④  in
【单选题】 The few Americans and Germans seemed just as _____ as I was.
①  constrained
②  curbed
③  inhibited
④  withhold
【单选题】 Are you familiar _____ these technical terms?
①  with
②  to
③  for
④  as