【单选题】 自动扶梯的坡度一般采用( )。
①  10
②  20
③  30
④  45
【单选题】 给水干管的坡度一般为
①  0.002-0.005
②  0.008-0.01
③  0.02-0.05
④  0.05-0.08
【单选题】 坡道的坡度一般为1:6~1:12面层光滑的坡道,坡度不宜大于()。
①  1:20
②  1:10
③  1:15
【单选题】 下列关于路拱坡度确定叙述不正确的是()
①  车行道面层越粗糙,路拱坡度应大一些
②  道路纵坡较大,则路拱坡度宜大
③  车行道宽则路拱坡度应选择得平缓一些
④  车速高的道路上,路拱坡度宜
【单选题】 下列关于路拱坡度确定叙述不正确的是()
①  车行道面层越粗糙,路拱坡度应大一些
②  道路纵坡较大,则路拱坡度宜小
③  车行道宽则路拱坡度应选择得陡一些
④  车速高的道路上,路拱坡度宜小
【单选题】 热水管道为便于排气,横管要有与水流相反的坡度,坡度一般不小于( )。
①  0.001
②  0.002
③  0.003
④  0.004
【单选题】 在低温热水采暖系统中,顶层干管敷设时,为了系统排气,一般采用( )的坡度。
①  0.02
②  0.001
③  0.01
④  0.003
【判断题】 路肩横坡坡度一般较路面横坡大1%,但是高速公路和一级公路的硬路肩采用与路面行车道同结构,可采用与路面行车道相同的路面横坡度。()
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 当采用檐沟外排水时,沟底沿长度方向设置的纵向排水坡度一般应不小于
①  0.5%
②  1%
③  1. 5%
④  2%
【判断题】 存在一个坡度使重车向下、空车向上运行时阻力相等,这个坡度叫等阻坡度。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 、Although he had looked through all the reference material on the subject, he still found it hard to understand this point and her explanation only ____ to his confusion.
①  extended
②  amounted
③  added
④  turned
【单选题】 Because women often ____ their diet to control weight, they may not consume enough iron-rich food, and are liable to experience a deficiency.
①  restrict
②  strict
③  stuck
④  construct
【单选题】 He was such a ____ speaker that he held our attention every minute of the three-hour lecture.
①  specific
②  dynamic
③  heroic
④  diplomatic
【单选题】 Radio, television and press ____ of conveying news as information.
①  are the most common three means
②  are the most three common means
③  are the three most common means
④  are three the most common means
【单选题】 He tried to _______relations with his former wife but he failed.
①  measure
②  maintain
③  shelter
④  reply
【单选题】 In the Chinese household, grandparents and other relative play ___ roles in raising children.
①  incapable
②  indispensable
③  insensible
④  infinite
【单选题】 My camera can be ____ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.
①  treated
②  adjusted
③  adopted
④  remedied
【单选题】 With the help of the government , a large number of people ---_______ after the flood in 1991.
①  survived
②  suspended
③  suffered
④  suspected
【单选题】 A ____ is a person who ____ _____.
①  crime; commit; criminal
②  commit; criminal; crimes
③  commit; crimes; criminal
④  criminal; commits; crimes
【单选题】 The soldier was _____ of running away when the enemy attacked.
①  scolded
②  charged
③  accused
④  punished