【单选题】 违宪行为是违反( )的行为。
①  宪法
②  行政法
③  民法
④  刑法
【单选题】 *违宪行为是违反( )的行为。
①  宪法
②  行政法
③  民法
④  刑法
【单选题】 下列行为中,不违反禁止权利滥用原则的有
①  甲将自己废弃不用的汽车置于马路中央的行为
②  乙拒绝接受丁遗赠给其一台电脑的行为
③  丙于下午在自己的房间里唱卡拉 OK 直到凌晨影响邻居休息的行为
④  丁在自己承包的耕地上建坟的行为
【判断题】 侵权行为是指:民事主体违反民事义务,侵害他人合法权益,依法应当承担民事责任的行为
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 经营者的下列那些行为,违反了消费者权益保护法规定的义务()
①  租赁某商场柜台,与商场签订协议,聘用的销售人员身穿商场的统一制服,但是销售产生的法律责任一律由经营者承担。
②  购买5元以下的商品,只出具购物小票,不出具发票
③  店堂告示“未成年人须由成年人陪伴方可入内,否则一切后果自负。”
④  店堂告示“打折商品一旦售出概不退换”。
【判断题】 公司董事会决议内容违反公司章程有效
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 以下行为同属于权利行为和义务行为的有( )。
①  从事劳动工作
②  接受教育
③  结婚
④  继承财产
【单选题】 下列行为中,不属于与违反禁止权利滥用原则的是( )。
①  A、甲将自己废弃的电动车放置在小区消防通道中
②  B、乙拒绝了富豪赠送给他的别墅一套
③  C、丙每天邀请牌友到家中搓麻直至凌晨,影响邻居休息
④  D、丁在自己家阳台种植罂粟花当作观赏植物
【判断题】 法律责任是指因违反了法定义务或契约义务,或不当行使法律权利(权力)、所产生的,由行为人承担的不利后果。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 公司的股东以认购的股份为限对公司承担责任,公司以其全部财产对公司的债务承担责任的企业,我们称为( )。
①  有限责任公司
②  无限责任公司
③  股份有限公司
④  两合公司
【单选题】 —WhatdoyouthinkmadeMarysoupset?—______herbicycle.
①  As she lost
②  Lost
③  Losing
④  Because of losing
【单选题】 Hehasspentallhislifeworkingwithmentally______people.
①  disabled
②  discussed
③  naked
④  abolished
【单选题】 Doctors have said that as many as 50% of patients dont take medicine ______.
①  like directed
②  to be directed
③  as directed
④  so that directed
【单选题】 After filling out this form, please dont forget to______ your name.
①  sign
②  sigh
③  scribble
④  jot
【单选题】 —Why didnt you come to join her party?—I______, but I had to deal with something urgent.
①  would have
②  should
③  would do
④  was going to have
【单选题】 They couldn’t ______ to fly out to see us, and we couldnt either. We were all poor then.
①  offer
②  afford
③  provide
④  supply
【单选题】 Youve got a divorce? Why did he decide to______ you after seven years together?
①  keep company with
②  part company with
③  keep in touch with
④  stay in touch with
【单选题】 —How many poor counties will there be in our province by 2020?—There will be only a few, if _______.
①  much
②  some
③  any
④  many
【单选题】 Henry was very busy yesterday.Otherwise he______ to our my birthday party.
①  would have come
②  came
③  had come
④  will come
【单选题】 Our parents were strict. They requested that we______ television on week nights.
①  have not watched
②  not be watching
③  must not to watch
④  not watch