【单选题】 肺炎患儿鼻前庭导管给氧,氧流量和氧浓度的选择是( )
①  氧流量0.5-1L/min,氧浓度<40%
②  氧流量2-4L/min,氧浓度<50%
③  氧流量5-6L/min,氧浓度<60%
④  氧流量7-8L/min,氧浓度<70%
【单选题】 下述给氧方法正确的是
①  用氧时,先插入鼻导管再调节氧流量
②  停用氧时,先拔出鼻导管再关闭氧气开关
③  氧气筒距暖气至少5米
④  氧气筒内压力至少保留0.5Pa
⑤  氧气表螺丝口上应涂润滑油
【单选题】 鼻咽导管吸氧的氧浓度的计算方法是()
①  鼻咽导管吸氧的氧浓度=4+氧流量
②  鼻咽导管吸氧的氧浓度+21+氧流量
③  鼻咽导管吸氧的氧浓度(%)=21+4×氧流量(L/min)
④  鼻咽导管吸氧的氧浓度+氧流量(L/min)
⑤  鼻咽导管吸氧的氧浓度+21+氧流量
【单选题】 缺氧伴有二化碳潴留的呼吸衰竭患者给氧宜采用()
①  间歇给氧
②  高浓度给氧
③  低浓度持续给氧
④  高压给氧
【单选题】 鼻导管吸氧法包括()
①  鼻咽导管法
②  鼻前庭导管法
③  鼻塞给氧
④  氧帐法
⑤  ABC均是
【单选题】 张某,肺心病伴呼吸衰竭。表现为呼吸困难,并有精神、神经症状,对其恰当的给氧方法是( )。
①  加压给氧
②  乙醇湿化给氧
③  低流量间断给氧
④  低流量、低浓度持续给氧
【单选题】 某患者给予氧气疗法,其流量表指示流量为5 L/min,该患者吸入的氧浓度为( )。
①  26%
②  30%
③  37%
④  41%
【单选题】 高流量氧疗的特点不包括:
①  氧浓度恒定
②  氧浓度高
③  气道正压
④  气体温湿化
【单选题】 停止氧疗的指征是()
①  发绀基本消失。神志清醒,精神状态好
②  血气分析满意,PaO<sub> 2</sub> 上升到60~70rmmHg,并保持稳定
③  无呼吸困难症状
④  循环稳定
⑤  以上都是
【单选题】 氧离曲线是
①  Po2与血氧容量间的关系曲线
②  Po2与血液pH间的关系曲线
③  Po2与血氧饱和度间的关系曲线
④  Po2与血氧含量间的关系曲线
⑤  以上都不对
【单选题】 Televisions enable us to see things happen almost at the exact moment _____.
①  which they are happening
②  they are happening
③  which they happen
④  they have happened
【单选题】 By the time you graduate, we _____in Australia for one year.
①  will be staying
②  will have stayed
③  would have stayed
④  have stayed
【单选题】 If you want children to work hard you must _____their interests instead of their sense of duty.
①  appeal to
②  look into
③  give rise to
④  go in for
【单选题】 Watch out, the boss is disguised _____ your behavior.
①  to
②  at
③  for
④  with
【单选题】 Classification is a useful _____to the organization of knowledge in any field.
①  means
②  approach
③  mode
④  manner
【单选题】 Although the main characters in the fiction are so true to life, they are certainly _____.
①  imagining
②  imaginative
③  imaginable
④  imaginary
【单选题】 I was to have a trip abroad if _____.
①  I had not been fired
②  I was not fired
③  my boss won’t have fired me
④  I were not fired
【单选题】 He made a quick _____from his illness.
①  relief
②  recovery
③  survival
④  relaxation
【单选题】 “If we fail to act now, “said Tom, “We’ll find ourselves _____in action later on.”
①  paid back
②  paid for
③  paid up
④  paid off
【单选题】 She resorted to _____ when she had no money to buy foods for her children.
①  have stolen
②  steal
③  stole
④  stealing