在组距相等的条件下,次数分布和次数密度的分布是一致的 。
【单选题】 次数分布中的次数是指?
①  划分各组的数量标志
②  分组的组数
③  分布在各组的单位数
④  标志变异个数
【多选题】 影响次数分布的要素是
①  变量值的大小
②  变量性质的不同
③  选择的分组标志
④  组距与组中值
⑤  组限与组中值
【判断题】 次数分布也称为频数分布,指的是一批数据中各个不同数值所出现的次数情况,或者是指一批数据在按等距划分的各个区域(组)内出现的次数情况( )。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 组距数列条件下,众数的大小主要取决于众数组相邻两组次数多少的影响
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 由组距数列确定众数,如果众数组前一组和后一组次数相等,则众数值
①  偏向上限
②  偏向下限
③  为零
④  等于组中值
【简答题】 [填空]=频数÷组距,它能准确反映频数分布的实际状况。
【简答题】 [填空]=频数÷组距,它能准确反映频数分布的实际状况。
【单选题】 由组距数列确定众数,如果众数组前一组和后一组次数相等,则众数值
①  极差
②  平均差
③  标准差
④  标准差系数
【单选题】 频数分布表和频数分布图的用途包括
①  揭示频数分布的特征
②  便于观察数据的分布类型
③  绘制频数分布表和频数分布图
④  以上都正确
⑤  以上都不正确
【单选题】 由组距数列确定众数时,如果众数组的两个邻组的次数相等,则
①  众数为0
②  众数组的组中值就是众数
③  众数组的上限就是众数
④  众数组各单位变量值的平均数为众数
【多选题】 I want to mail this letter to the U.S..___________ ?
①  How often do you hear from Mary
②  How many people are there in your family
③  How much is the postage
④  How much will it cost
【多选题】 A: Hey, taxi! Could you take me to the Friendship Hotel?B: _______________ .
①  Sure
②  Certainly
③  Of course
④  Here you are
【多选题】 A: Is he married?B:_________
①  No, he is not married.
②  No, he is still single.
③  No, he doesnt.
④  No, he didnt.
【单选题】 Department stores in London are very large. They are called department stores because they have many_________ departments.
①  delicious
②  different
③  domestic
④  delighted
【单选题】 My father used to be very weak,_________ now he is much stronger.
①  but
②  at
③  and
④  when
【单选题】 A: You always enjoy seeing old films, dont you?B: No, not always, but_________ .
①  sometime
②  some time
③  sometimes
④  some times
【单选题】 If you are tired and_________, you can hardly (几乎不) remember things.
①  relaxed
②  excited
③  unusual
④  unhappy
【单选题】 For programs with_________ audiences, the cost of commercials is high.
①  few
②  more
③  small
④  large
【单选题】 The experiment_________ in the lab now.
①  was done
②  is being done
③  has been done
④  is doing
【单选题】 How_________ people do you have in your family?
①  much
②  many
③  long
④  far