阅读课文II. Department stores 判断下列句子表述内容的正误:Ties can be bought at the Womens Clothing Department.
【判断题】 阅读课文II. Department stores 判断下列句子表述内容的正误:TVs can be found in the Home Entertainment Department.
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【判断题】 阅读课文II. Department stores判断下列句子表述内容的正误:Without your receipt you can return any goods at the Customer Service Department.
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【判断题】 阅读课文II. Department stores 判断下列句子表述内容的正误:Customers can enjoy other services besides buying goods in a store.
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【判断题】 阅读课文II. Department stores 判断下列句子表述内容的正误:It gives some people great pleasure to wander in a beautiful store at their leisure.
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【判断题】 阅读课文II. Television and Children,判断下列句子表述内容的正误:The negative influence of television can be avoided.
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【判断题】 阅读课文II. Television and Children, 判断下列句子表述内容的正误:Television is an excellent invention that may help with education.
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【判断题】 阅读课文II. Television and Children, 判断下列句子表述内容的正误:When a program attracts moderate audiences, it is discountinued.
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【判断题】 阅读课文II. Television and Children, 判断下列句子表述内容的正误:Television companies show only educational programs for children.
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【判断题】 阅读课文II. Television and Children, 判断下列句子表述内容的正误:Parents and teachers should control what their chidren watch.
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【判断题】 阅读课文II. My first days in Beijing, 判断下列句子表述内容的正误:The writer (作者) was from a small town.
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【判断题】 混凝土收缩是一种体积变形,它与混凝土所处应力状态无关,也不会改变混凝土已有的应力状态。(  )
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【判断题】 对具有较大侧向无支承长度的钢结构组合梁,截面选用是由抗弯强度控制设计,而不是整体稳定控制设计。(  )
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【判断题】 钢筋混凝土偏心受拉构件的破坏形态只与力的作用位置有关,而与As用量无关。(  )
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【判断题】 钢筋混凝土受弯构件的正截面破坏总是表现为有明显预兆的延性破坏。(  )
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【判断题】 设计规范规定,钢结构连接的失效概率高于构件强度的失效概率。(  )
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【判断题】 钢材的韧性可根据冷脆转变温度的高低来评价,此温度越高,钢材的韧性越好。(  )
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【判断题】 规范中荷载的标准值是取在结构的使用期内,在正常情况下可能出现的最大荷载的平均值。(  )
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【判断题】 截面无对称轴的钢轴心受压构件,其失稳形式是弯曲屈曲。(  )
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【判断题】 验算第一类T形截面的配筋率是否满足最小配筋率时,配筋率应按ρ=As/bf′h0计算。(  )
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【判断题】 截面的塑性发展系数取决于截面的几何形状及材料强度。(  )
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