Thank you ________ your advice.
【判断题】 A: You should take aspirins to reduce the temperature. B: Thank you for your advice.
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 A: Thank you for your help.B:___________
①  It doesnt matter.
②  Never mind.
③  Youre welcome.
④  Its my pleasure.
【单选题】 Thank you for your time. I’m looking forward to ______.
①  you reply
②  your reply
③  you answer
④  you to answer
【单选题】 A: Thank you for your invitation. B: [填空].
①  Its a pleasure
②  It doesnt matter
③  Its a small thing
④  Ill appreciate it
【单选题】 A: Thank you for inviting me to your birthday party. B: [填空].
①  Dont be so polite
②  You are so polite
③  You are quite welcome
④  Dont use thanks
【单选题】 —Thank you for your MP4 player. I’ll ask Mary to take it to you soon.—_____. I’ve bought a new one.
①  No sense
②  No hurry.
③  No way
④  sorry
【单选题】 -Ann, congratulations! Your cuisine was ?very successful and everyone ______. -Thank you, I just tried my ?best. I am happy to know you enjoyed it.
①  had impressed
②  impressed
③  has impressed
④  was impressed
【单选题】 I ____________like your advice on this matter.
①  would
②  should
③  will
【判断题】 A: How do you do? B: Fine, thank you, and you?
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 I wish I listened to your advice.
①  have
②  having
③  had
【单选题】 某构件自重为50KN,索具为3KN,配重为7KN,则起重机的起重量应大于:( )
①  50KN
②  53KN
③  60KN
④  57KN
【单选题】 屋架跨度小于或等于18m时绑扎( )点。
①  一点
②  两点
③  三点
④  四点
【单选题】 下列工具中用于绑扎和起吊构件的工具是:( )
①  卡环
②  吊索
③  横吊梁
④  铁扁担
【单选题】 吊车梁的校正主要是校正:( )
①  垂直度
②  标高
③  平面位置
④  A和C
【单选题】 下列哪种不是汽车起重机的主要技术性能:( )
①  最大起重量
②  最小工作半径
③  最大起升高度
④  最小行驶速度
【单选题】 当履带试起重机的起重臂一定时,随着仰角的增大,则:( )
①  起升载荷减小
②  起升高度减小
③  工作幅度增大
④  起升高度增大
【单选题】 预应力混凝土是在结构或构件的( )预先施加压应力而成。
①  受压区
②  受拉区
③  中心线处
④  中性轴处
【单选题】 钢筋弯曲90°的量度差值是:( )
①  增加1.0d
②  减少1.0d
③  增加2.0d
④  减少2.0d
【单选题】 下列能同时反映钢筋强度和塑性性能的是:( )
①  冷加工性能
②  焊接性能
③  冷弯性能
④  拉伸性能
【单选题】 规范规定:凝结硬化过程中的砼块体内外温差不宜超过:( )
①  15℃
②  25℃
③  30℃
④  40℃