I want to___________ this letter to the U.S.. How much if the postage, please?
【单选题】 I want to mail this letter to the U.S.._________ is the postage, please?
①  How many
②  How much
③  How often
④  How long
【多选题】 I want to mail this letter to the U.S..___________ ?
①  How often do you hear from Mary
②  How many people are there in your family
③  How much is the postage
④  How much will it cost
【单选题】 I don’t know you want to keep the letter, I’ve _____it up.
①  torn
②  given
③  broken
④  disposed
【单选题】 Would you please keep silent? The weather report __________ and I want to listen.
①  is broadcast
②  is being broadcast
③  has been broadcast
④  had been broadcast
【多选题】 I___________ to mail a letter to Canada.
①  want
②  would like
③  sorry
④  think
【判断题】 答题说明:句子没有语法错误请选择“正确”,有语法错误请选择“错误”Id like to send this small parcel to Hong Kong by registered mail, please. How much will it cost?
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 A: How much is that rice, please? B: [填空].
①  Four Kilo
②  Very much
③  Four are enough
④  Four yuan a kilo
【判断题】 A: Could you mail the letter for me? B: Yes, I could.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 The postage rate was high in the past, because post offices had to send many people to_________ the postage.
①  cover
②  carry
③  clean
④  collect
【单选题】 A: How long can I keep the book? B: [填空].
①  Any period longer than four weeks, you will be fined
②  Four weeks, but you can renew it if you need it longer
③  You can check it on the computer over there
④  At most four weeks if you dont mind
【单选题】 在一棵具有5层的满二叉树中结点总数为( )。
①  31
②  32
③  33
④  16
【单选题】 在一个具有n个顶点和e条边的无向图的邻接表中,边结点的个数为( )。
①  n
②  n*e
③  e
④  2e
【单选题】 对于一个无向图,下面( )种说法是正确的。
①  每个顶点的入度等于出度
②  每个顶点的度等于其入度与出度之和
③  每个顶点的入度为0
④  每个顶点的出度为0
【单选题】 由权值分别为3,8,6,2,5的叶子结点生成一棵哈夫曼树,它的带权路径长度为( )。
①  24
②  48
③  72
④  53
【单选题】 若一个图的边集为{(A,B),(A,C),(B,D),(C,F),(D,E),(D,F)},则从顶点A开始对该图进行深度优先搜索,得到的顶点序列可能为( )。
①  A,B,C,F,D,E
②  A,C,F,D,E,B
③  A,B,D,C,F,E
④  A,B,D,F,E,C
【单选题】 若一个图的边集为{(A,B),(A,C),(B,D),(C,F),(D,E),(D,F)},则从顶点A开始对该图进行广度优先搜索,得到的顶点序列可能为( )。
①  A,B,C,D,E,F
②  A,B,C,F,D,E
③  A,B,D,C,E,F
④  A,C,B,F,D,E
【单选题】 在一个具有n个顶点的有向完全图中,所含的边数为( )。
①  n
②  n(n-1)
③  n(n-1)/2
④  n(n+1)/2
【单选题】 已知一棵完全二叉树的结点总数为9个,则最后一层的结点数为( )。
①  1
②  2
③  3
④  4
【单选题】 对于一个具有n个顶点的无向连通图,它包含的连通分量的个数为( )。
①  0
②  1
③  n
④  n+1
【单选题】 在一个具有n个顶点和e条边的无向图的邻接矩阵中,表示边存在的元素(又称为有效元素)的个数为( )。
①  n
②  n*e
③  e
④  2e