The postage rate was high in the past, because post offices had to send many people to_________ the postage.
【单选题】 I want to mail this letter to the U.S.._________ is the postage, please?
①  How many
②  How much
③  How often
④  How long
【多选题】 I want to___________ this letter to the U.S.. How much if the postage, please?
①  mail
②  send
③  keep
④  weigh
【单选题】 [] so many people want to live in cities is because they want to have fun in there.
①  Why
②  That
③  Whether
④  How
【多选题】 On May 6, 1840, post offices___________ England began to sell stamps.
①  above
②  throughout
③  all over
④  across
【单选题】 People at the party worried about him, because no one was aware ______ he had gone.
①  of where
②  of the place where
③  where
④  the place
【单选题】 People at the party worried about him, because no one was aware____ he had gone.
①  of where
②  of the place where
③  where
④  the place
【单选题】 Many people who had seen the film were afraid to go to the forest when they remembered the scenes ___ people were eaten by the tiger.
①  that
②  by which
③  which
④  in which
【单选题】 The city ____ its birth-rate by almost 60% in the past 20 years.
①  cuts
②  has been cut
③  cut
④  has cut
【单选题】 The city ______ its birth-rate by almost 60% in the past 20 years.
①  cuts
②  has been cut
③  cut
④  has cut
【单选题】 The population of many Alaskan cities has __________ doubled in the past three years.
①  larger than
②  as great as
③  more than
④  as many as
【单选题】 C三个独立投资方案的寿命期相同。各方案的投资额和净现值见下表。若资金受到限制,只能筹措到6000万元资金,采用净现值率排序法,则最佳的组合方案是()。
①  A+B
②  A+C
③  B+C
④  A+B+C
【单选题】 当计息周期小于利率周期时,就出现了名义利率和有效利率的概念。每年计息期m越多,则有效利率和名义利率的关系是()。
①  相同
②  相差越小
③  相差越大
④  无法比较
【单选题】 ()的盈亏平衡产量和()的单位产品变动成本会导致项目在面临不确定因素时发生亏损的可能性()。
①  高、高、增高
②  低、低、减小
③  高、低、减小
④  低、高、减小
【单选题】 生产经营的量大于盈亏平衡点的量,并且离盈亏平衡点越远,则()。
①  安全性越大,抗风险能力越强
②  安全性越小,抗风险能力越强
③  安全性越大,抗风险能力越弱
④  安全性越小,抗风险能力越弱
【单选题】 下列关于互斥方案经济效果评价方法的表述中正确的是()。
①  采用净年值法可以使寿命期不等的互斥方案具有可比性
②  最小公倍数法适用于某些不可再生资源开发型项目
③  采用研究期法时,不需要考虑研究期以后的现金流量情况
④  方案重复法的适用条件是互斥方案在某时间段具有相同的现金流量
【单选题】 财务评价中,项目可行的标准是()
①  IRRic
②  IRR0
③  IRR≥0
④  IRR≥ic
【单选题】 价值工程的目标在于提高工程对象的价值,它追求的是()。
①  满足用户最大限度需求的功能
②  投资费用最低时的功能
③  寿命周期费用最低时的必要功能
④  使用费用最低时的功能
【单选题】 价值工程的目标是()
①  产品功能的改进
②  产品价值的提高
③  产品技术的创新
④  产品成本的下降
【单选题】 一般说来,对于同一净现金流量系列,当折现率i增大()。
①  其净现值不变
②  其净现值增大
③  其净现值减少
④  其净现值在一定范围有规律上下波动
【单选题】 下列各项中,属于投资决策静态评价指标的是()。
①  净现值指数
②  内部收益率
③  投资收益率
④  费用现值法