8. My mother is no ____young.
【单选题】 My mother is no ______ young.
①  shorter
②  longer
③  little
④  few
【单选题】 Yesterday was my birthday. My mother .
①  made a cake to me
②  made a cake me
③  made for me a cake
④  made me a cake
【单选题】 My mother is __________ a piece of meat.
①  knife
②  knifing
③  knifes
④  kniked
【单选题】 8.She no longer has that______ smile as before, but instead carries the sad look of a mother who has just lost her son.
①  careless
②  carefree
③  interested
④  sick
【单选题】 8. I______ go to bed until I ______ finished my work last night.
①  Don’t; had
②  didn’t have
③  didn’t; had
④  don’t; have
【单选题】 Andy, ____________ ?Oh, that’s my father! And beside him, my mother.
①  What is the person over there
②  Who’s talking over there
③  What are they doing
④  Which is that
【单选题】 My mother [填空] music and often [填空] to music.
①  like,listen
②  likes,listens
③  like,are listening
④  liking,listen
【单选题】 My mother had me _______for her after class.
①  be waiting
②  waited
③  wait
【单选题】 I felt approaching footsteps. I stretched out my hand as I supposed to my mother.
①  A. 我感到有人走近,于是伸出了手,以为是把手伸向母亲。
②  B. 我感到有人走近,我就伸出了手,因为我在等我的母亲。
③  C. 我感到有人向我走来,我想那是我母亲,她把手伸向我。
④  D. 我感到有人向我走来,我想那是我母亲,她伸手搂抱我。
【判断题】 A: What are your parents doing right now? B: My mother is retired. My father is a manager.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 设x和y均为bool量,则x && y为真的条件是()。
①  它们均为真
②  其中一个为真
③  它们均为假
④  其中一个为假
【单选题】 下列的符号常量定义中,错误的定义是()。
①  const M=10;
②  const int M=20;
③  const char ch;
④  const bool mark=true;
【单选题】 设x是一个bool型的逻辑量,y的值为10,则表达式 x && y的值为()。
①  1
②  0
③  与x值相同
④  与x值相反
【单选题】 x>0&&x<=10的相反表达式为()。
①  x10
②  x10
③  x0 && x>10
【判断题】 DMA控制器通过中断向CPU发DMA请求信号
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 在统一编址方式下,CPU访问I/O端口时必须使用专用的I/O指令
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 中断服务程序的最后一条指令是中断返回指令
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 DMA传送方式时,DMA控制器每传送一个数据就窃取一个指令周期
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 在三总线计算机系统中,外设和主存单元统一编址,可以不使用I/O指令
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 随着CPU速度的不断提升,程序查询方式很少被采用的原因是CPU与外设串行工作
①  正确
②  错误