3.This book is ____that one, but ____than that one.
as difficult as; expensive
as more difficult as; more expensive
as difficult as; more expensive
more difficult as; as expensive
【单选题】 Even if they are on sale, these refrigerators are equal in price to, if not more expensive than, ___ at the other store.
①  anyone
②  the others
③  that
④  the ones
【单选题】 It is often more difficult to find trained men than ____ for scientific research.
①  getting financial support
②  to getting financial support
③  to get financial support
④  in getting financial support
【判断题】 Formal English is much more difficult to attain since it is subject to more restraints and requirements.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 答题说明:句子没有语法错误请选择“正确”,有语法错误请选择“错误”This question is more difficult than that one.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 No more having to buy expensive textbooks which you will only use for a year or two and then sell or _______ away.
①  get
②  give
③  take
④  gain
【单选题】 This book is ________ that one. But __________ than that one.
①  as difficult as ;expensive
②  as more difficult as ; more expensive
③  as difficult as ; more expensive
④  more difficult as ; as expensive
【单选题】 This book is_____that one. But______than that one.
①  as difficult as ;expensive
②  as more difficult as ; more expensive
③  as difficult as ; more expensive
④  more difficult as ; as expensive
【单选题】 This book is ______ that one, but ______ than that one.
①  as difficult as; expensive
②  as more difficult as; more expensive
③  as difficult as; more expensive
④  more difficult as; as expensive
【单选题】 The small mountain village was ____ by the snow for more than one month.
①  cut back
②  cut out
③  cut off
④  cut away
【单选题】 ______, this book is not very difficult.
①  Generally say
②  Generally saying
③  Generally speak
④  Generally speaking
【单选题】 根据资产评估报告使用规范,每份资产评估报告的使用用途只能是()
①  1个
②  2个
③  3个
④  4个
【多选题】 在运用成本法时,成新率的估算方法通常有()。
①  观察法
②  折旧年限法
③  使用年限法
④  会计核算法
⑤  修复费用法
【多选题】 在正常情况下,运用收益法评估资产价值时,资产的收益额应该是资产的
①  历史收益额
②  未来预期收益额
③  现实收益额
④  实际收益额
⑤  客观收益额
【判断题】 资产评估计划一经确定就不得改动。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 资产评估中,可采用观察法对资产的实体性贬值进行估算。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 截至评估基准日资产累计实际利用时间和资产累计法定利用时间的比值小于1时表示(  )。
①  满负荷运转
②  超负荷运转
③  开工不足
④  与资产负荷无关
【单选题】 资产评估工作的执行操作者不同于会计工作人员,它是由独立于企业以外的社会中介机构完成的。这一点说明资产评估具有( )。
①  市场性
②  公正性
③  咨询性
④  专业性
【单选题】 某项资产是2009年12月购建的,账面原值为人民币300万元整,于2012年12月进行资产评估,已知2009年至2012年的环比物价指数分别为10%、8%、11%、5%,该资产的重置成本约为()万元
①  330
②  377
③  402
④  415
【单选题】 标的物是否具有( ),是评估师判断和确认其是否是资产最重要的标准之一。
①  历史成本
②  历史收益
③  预期成本
④  投资收益
【单选题】 关于资产评估特定目的的表述不正确的是
①  资产评估的特定目的是指引起资产评估的资产业务对评估结果用途的具体要求
②  资产评估特定目的对于资产评估的价值类型的选择具有约束作用
③  资产评估的特定目的是由特定经济行为所决定的
④  资产评估的特定目的和资产评估的一般目的无关