4.____the diamond, he had to look for a place to hide it.
Having stolen
Having been stolen
【单选题】 ________the diamond,he had to look for a place to hide it.
①  Having stolen
②  Having been stolen
③  Stolen
④  Stealing
【单选题】 ____ the diamond, he had to look for a place to hide it.
①  Having stolen
②  Having been stolen
③  Stolen
④  Stealing
【多选题】 Its the_____________ coat that was stolen from me.
①  small
②  same
③  identical
④  identity
【单选题】 A suitcase with shirt, trousers and shoes __________ stolen from the car.
①  have been
②  has
③  was
④  are
【单选题】 I charge the man____ receiving stolen goods.
①  in
②  with
③  at
④  on
【单选题】 Having been asked to speak at the convention __________
①  some notes were prepared for Dr. Smith
②  Smith prepared some notes
③  The convention members were pleased to hear Dr. Smith
④  Some notes were prepared by Dr. Smith
【单选题】 Having no money but _______ to know, he simply said he would go without dinner.
①  not to want anyone
②  not wanting anyone
③  wanted no one
④  to want no one
【单选题】 11. Having finished the letter, he_________ it carefully and sealed the envelop with a kiss.
①  folded
②  bent
③  turned
④  curved
【单选题】 Having plenty of time, ____.
①  we needn’t to have hurried
②  there was no need for us to hurry
③  we didn’t need to hurry
④  hurrying was not necessary
【多选题】 _____________ , he had to stay at home to look after her.
①  His mother being ill
②  His mother ill
③  Although his mother was ill
④  As his mother was ill
【单选题】 导线坐标增量闭合差的调整方法是将闭合差反符号后( )。
①  按角度个数平均分配
②  按导线边数平均分配
③  按边长成正比例分配
④  按边长成反比例分配
【单选题】 视距测量时用望远镜内视距丝装置,根据几何光学原理同时测定两点间的( )的方法。
①  距离和高差
②  倾斜距离和高差
③  距离和高程
④  水平距离和高差
【单选题】 距离丈量的结果是求两点间的( )。
①  斜线距离
②  水平距离
③  折线距离
④  坐标差值
【单选题】 用钢尺进行一般方法量距,其测量精度一般能达到( )。
①  1/10—1/50
②  1/200—1/300
③  1/1000—1/5000
④  1/10000—1/40000
【单选题】 某直线的坐标方位角为163°50′36″,则其反坐标方位角为( )。
①  253°50′36″
②  196°09′24″
③  16°09′24″
④  343°50′36″
【单选题】 经纬仪视准轴误差是指?
①  照准部水准管轴不垂直于竖轴的误差
②  十字丝竖丝不垂直于横轴的误差
③  横轴不垂直于竖轴的误差
④  视准轴不垂直于横轴的误差
【单选题】 经伟仪对中的目的是?
①  使仪器中心与测站点位于同一铅垂线上
②  使望远镜对准目标使
③  水平度盘读数为0
④  使竖直度盘读数为0
【单选题】 观测水平角时,照准不同方向的目标,应如何旋转照准部?
①  盘左顺时针,盘右逆时针方向
②  盘左逆时针,盘右顺时针方向
③  总是顺时针方向
④  总是逆时针方向
【单选题】 经纬仪瞄准目标P,盘左盘右的竖盘读数分别为81°47′24″和278°12′24″,其竖盘指标差χ是?
①  + 06″
②  -06″
③  -12″
④  +12″
【单选题】 当经纬仪竖轴与目标点在同一竖面时,不同高度的水平度盘读数?
①  相等
②  不相等
③  有时不相等
④  不能确定