12. We didn’t catch the train _______ we left late.
【单选题】 _____ that we couldn’ t catch up with him.
①  So fast he ran
②  So fast did he run
③  So fast ran he
④  Such fast did he run
【单选题】 We are interested in the weather because it __________ us so directly --- what we wear, what we do, and even how we feel.
①  benefits
②  affects
③  guides
④  effects
【单选题】 All the flights ____ because of the snowstorm, we had to take the train instead.
①  were canceled
②  had been canceled
③  having canceled
④  having been canceled
【单选题】 All the flights _____because of the snowstorm, we had to take the train instead.
①  were canceled
②  had been canceled
③  having canceled
④  having been canceled
【单选题】 12. When we arrived, we found the meeting room crowded with ____ students.
①  quite a few
②  only a few
③  few
④  a few quite
【判断题】 We should buy any meat, because there are little left.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 If we hadn’t got a lift, we ____ the top flat so soon.
①  would not reach
②  can not reach
③  could not have reached
④  will not reach
【单选题】 I do not intend to follow that, because we shall have an opportunity to do so on another __________ .
①  A occasion
②  situation
③  condition
④  environment
【单选题】 I think we’d better ____ , otherwise we will be late for class.
①  to hurry up
②  hurrying up
③  hurried up
④  hurry up
【单选题】 He said he would continue a support us we didn’t break the rules.
①  as well as
②  as soon as
③  as far as
④  as long as
【单选题】 孕早期心脏病患者,决定是否能继续妊娠的重要的依据是
①  心脏病种类
②  心脏病病变部位
③  心功能分级
④  症状严重程度
⑤  有否以往生育史
【单选题】 临床上寻找卵巢血管的标志是
①  卵巢子宫索
②  卵巢系膜
③  子宫阔韧带
④  卵巢固有韧带
⑤  卵巢悬韧带-卵巢门
【单选题】 下列不是重度胎盘早剥的临床表现的是()
①  阴道流血、剧烈腹痛
②  出血量与全身症状不成正比
③  宫底升高
④  子宫板状硬
⑤  胎位,胎心清楚
【单选题】 子宫颈癌的临床分期是根据
①  有无淋巴结转移
②  手术后所见修订分期?
③  病理分级
④  病灶侵犯范围
⑤  ?临床症状的严重程度
【单选题】 子宫破裂的原因不包括
①  骨盆狭窄
②  头盆不称
③  横位
④  宫缩乏力产程延长
【单选题】 早期发现宫颈癌的最佳方法是
①  阴道镜检查
②  ?碘试验 ?
③  宫颈刮片细胞学检查
④  宫颈活体组织检查
⑤  宫颈锥形切除
【单选题】 诊断子宫内膜脱落不全时诊刮时间
①  月经第1天
②  月经第5天
③  月经来潮24小时内@任何时间诊刮均可
【单选题】 经产妇,62岁。绝经11年,阴道反复流血4个月就诊。查体:肥胖,一般情况好,血压20/14kPa (150/105mmHg)。妇科检查:阴道少许血液,宫颈光滑,子宫正常大,双附件正常。下列哪项是首选的辅助检查
①  B超检查
②  阴道镜检查
③  阴道涂片细胞学检查
④  腹腔镜检查
【单选题】 围绝经期保健错误的是
①  合理膳食
②  适当增加运动
③  均应补充雌激素
④  使其保持愉快的心情
【单选题】 常用的估计产后出血量的方法有
①  称重法和容积法
②  休克指数
③  血红蛋白测定
④  检测体温法